- Celebration: Contemplation Butch
- One of the senses of our own body is not to be under our control, then why worry that the world does not listen to us?
‘Heart attack changes lives. Many can't accept the changed life ... Now I have to change my priorities. The money I use is for me, the money I save is not for me. All that remains to be done in life is to do it now. Don't hurt your friends by saying bad things about radar. Now if every single sense of our own body is not going to be under our control then why worry that the world is not listening to us? Getting rid of clutter is not easy. I can eat, feel hungry, fall asleep in five minutes and even fall asleep at nine in the morning. I can wear colorful clothes. Twenty-eight date or two date does not make any difference in my bank balance, does not give much hard work to the heart. Living with the pleasure of being seen by others is the only way for me to take revenge ..... '
This is the experience expressed by Chandrakant Bakshi after he had a heart attack on September 6, 19 at the age of 70 ...
Every year September 8 is celebrated as 'World Heart Day'. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 1,902 deaths in India in 2013 and a heart attack in 2009. Thus, according to this situation, on an average, more than 3 people lose their lives every day in India due to heart attack. The death toll from heart attacks would have been even higher had it not been for the discovery of stents, angioplasty, bypass, angiography as well as today's life-saving earrings. Today we will talk about some of the greats of cardiology whose hard work is bearing the fruits of mankind today.
The first name is Giovanni Batista Morgagni, a researcher in modern pathology.? He was instrumental in the discovery of arterial disease in the 19th century. Angina pectoris was first described by William Hebarden of England in the 19th century. It is only natural that Edward Jenner of England should be remembered as the inventor of the vaccine. But he was the first to suggest that angina pectoris could be caused by coronary heart disease.
Rudolf Vircho in 19th laid the foundations of modern pathology with his book Cellular Pathology. The first description of the symptoms of a heart attack and how to diagnose it goes to Chicago-based physician James Herrick. He was the first to use an electro cardiograph machine to diagnose a heart attack.
Mason Sons of America is credited with researching coronary angiography. It was only after this research that he did in 19 that he was able to perform bypass surgery and angioplasty. Interestingly Sui is believed to make blood from food and then the blood burns as fuel and runs the body.
But E.S. Dr. who received his medical education from Cambridge in 18th century. William was against this thinking. He made several dissections on animals and dead human bodies, theorizing that blood circulates inside the body as well as the heart acts as a pump in the circulation of blood. The first conclusion was drawn by William Harvey that the amount of blood is limited and the same blood circulates frequently in the body. He e to explain his principles. Q. In the 19th century, he wrote a book, The Sixth Amendment. E. Q. He died in 1914 when his principles were accepted by the whole world.
The credit for the first scriptural experiment in measuring blood pressure goes to the Reverend Stephen Hales. As a veterinarian, he was curious about blood pressure in animals. As part of which, in 1915, Stephen Hales inserted a brass tube into a horse's hoof, attaching it to a vertical glass tube. The blood in the glass tube was going up and down. From which they came to the conclusion that this is due to blood pressure. But the horse lost its life in the experiment, and Stephen Hales decided not to do it again. After this, at the age of 18, Etienne Jules invented a method of measuring blood pressure without injuring the body.
A catheter insertion into an artery was invented by Werner Forsythman. He underwent a catheter through a vein in his left arm at the age of 18 and was given an X-ray of the drug. He was fired for such a dangerous venture. However, in 19 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The first angioplasty end? Was performed by Grunzig. The idea was put forward by Gન્rnzig that a balloon should be placed in front of the catheter to try to widen the closed or narrowed tubes of the heart. He made a two-way tube in 19 and put a balloon at the end of it. This discovery proved to be akin to a heart disease treatment revolution.
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