- Yours and mine: Hansal Bhachech
In cohabitation questions, a woman's priority is to express her feelings and to be understood by her partner, then her brain is engaged in solving. When the man is directly involved in the process of solution and that too in his own way! He does not like to consult anyone in this process.
Let's tell a story again today.
Once a brother left the world and became a monk. His wife, in a state of great sorrow, approached another monk who came in the rank of his guru. After her husband left the world and became a monk, she placed a heap of difficulties in her life in front of her and begged her to do whatever she wanted, but to return to her home-world! Guruji hurried to solve Ben's question. She found her husband and persuaded him to return home. On the other hand, four-five months after leaving the world, Patidev constantly felt that his decision had been cut short. In a discussion with Jupiter, he expressed his difficulty in returning, saying that if he left the world with a fanfare, he would leave the world and if he returns now, how much disgrace would happen ?! The Guru came up with a solution, that if he returns to the same world, people will talk, so we will get home with the same fanfare. Everything was arranged, the horse reached the door of the house on the appointed day and time.
Guru Manoman was convinced that he had solved the woman's question. There the woman came to the door and locked the door and stopped her husband from entering the house saying 'You don't have to enter this house!'
The husband gestured to Guru and asked 'What is all this ?!'
Guruji forgot all the lessons of well-being and became tense, went to the woman's side and said in a hushed voice, 'Ben, what are you doing ?! How much trouble have I sent your husband back home and you are now standing in the doorway ?! At your request, I raised all this.
The two slowly said to their confusion, 'You are right, but seeing them now does not make me a wife. I don't think of him as a monk. '
Guru was confused, a new question arose in front of him. She came up with a quick solution and looked at her husband and said, "Brother, now you go to my house, I have brought you back to the world, now it is my responsibility to get you married again and make your world new."
With a shout of 'Beware, let's go inside', the wife dragged her husband into the house and closed the door! The wife's voice was heard from the closed door.
Ha ha ha
After reading this, men will come to the conclusion that 'it is not said when women's minds will change' and women will think that 'men do not understand the importance of relationships, one went out to be a monk without thinking of his wife' and the other immediately We started looking for a solution to get married! '
Women are drawn to the process of solution after a storm of emotions and many confusions, while men are horrified to find a solution directly! Feelings of neglect or rejection may be responsible for the wife's initial distraction, along with the practical difficulties of leaving her husband to become a monk. The same feelings may have turned into aggression towards the husband over time and he may have expressed himself as a 'saint'. Men are always stumbling in understanding emotions and their minds are running towards fixing the problem, Guru immediately fixed the problem - 'Get married again!' You may be wondering where did I end up discussing the factors associated with the failure to find a common solution to coexistence questions ?! Nowhere, am I there. In cohabitation questions, a woman's priority is to express her feelings and to be understood by her partner, then her brain is engaged in solving. When the man is directly involved in the process of solution and that too in his own way! In the process he does not like to seek anyone's advice and for that reason, he is not quick to discuss or seek anyone's advice to resolve the issues. The question is innately natural, the thinking of men and women is natural differences. This adds to the process of raising both. Boys playing with carts and blocks learn to fix problems and girls playing with dolls learn to express emotions. It can be deduced from many cases that girls playing boy games in childhood are of 'Tom Boy' type! What I am saying is that even if there are natural differences in thinking, if there is an open mind and mental preparation, then each other's thoughts can be understood and valued with respect. The approach of peers to solving coexistence questions is a primary requirement. Not meeting each other's thoughts in coexistence can be a normal thing. Apart from the natural differences between men and women, the method of upbringing, family culture, hereditary factors, experiences from childhood to the beginning of coexistence, personality, responses and behaviors of others, etc. can all be more or less responsible for this. But in the midst of all this, if the peers do not have an open mind and a sense of respect for each other's thoughts, the feelings associated with personal questions are difficult to understand and resolve, in some cases even impossible.
Punctuation: You are not what you show, you are what you hide !!
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