- God did not create human beings, God has made everyone play with the same price in the same way, and in the same price has said in the ear to live in absolute unity.
God has not established strength in anyone that no other person can cross the boat of life in the nine lives The truth can only be crossed by stabilizing. No one in the world can give knowledge to anyone, he also has to get it by being absolutely pure from his own soul, and knowledge is the same liberation, the knowledge of scriptures or storytellers or renunciants is not knowledge, it does not fit with information.
In human life as long as in the mind 1. Blind faith, 2. Blind faith, 2. False, 3. Fear, 4. Janun, 3. Inertia, 2. Unconsciousness is the place of this saptapadi, its collection, until absolute peace or joy is available.
Paramatman is paramatma outside, and has to be obtained from outside, and he gives everything. That will not be understood, until the mahants, mullahs, priests, storytellers, satsangis, sadhus, ascetics, munis, dharmatmas, nabhis are to remain, and are to sleep comfortably on the bed of matter.
When God created man on this earth, one person belongs to this community, and another person belongs to another community, this person belongs to the low community, and this person belongs to the higher community, this is one religion, and this is another religion, this religion is rich and God has not created human beings with any discrimination that is inferior to other religions.
The name of the wall between God and us is ego and craving. If our heart becomes like the pure sky and the doer's price and the consumer's price dissolve and the ego and craving dissolve, then the ultimate element is experienced. The same state of ultimate peace and supreme bliss Perfection is the achievement of self-knowledge.
Spiritual truth is to unite religion with humanity, and the foundation of all religions is humanity, to live by accepting it and embracing the true religion, have the same desire.
When you embrace the spiritual, true religion with a happy leopard, you do your deeds and conduct by settling in the spiritual truth, then you stabilize your mind in absolute rest, so you are stable in absolute peace and bliss, then there is the gold of the Supreme God The temple with the flag is created in your heart, the most peaceful mind is the same diamond studded temple, then there is no need to go anywhere.
- Philosopher V Patel
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