Actress Sheena Bajaj, who gained a lot of fame by working in 'Best of Luck Nikki' sitcom, last acted in 'Maryam Khan Reporting Live'. Sheena, who has been missing from the small screen for the last one and a half years, is well followed by small or big screen viewers. After working as a child actor in a number of films like 'Bhootnath', 'Yaadein', 'Kalyug', 'Footpath', Sheena has appeared in many TV shows. He has also done shows and after a gap of one and a half years, he wants to be active again on the small screen.
Sheena says that after the curtain fell on 'Maryam Khan Reporting Live', I was thinking of starting a new job when the epidemic struck. Then I had surgery. I was in bed for seven months. Now I am recovering and ready to start a new job.
Since she has been involved in the acting field for decades, Sheena has no interest in playing parallel roles or nominal roles. He says that if I get a good offer, I will definitely work in Hindi shows. I also got offers to play some important characters for serials. But in my opinion I am just as capable as the main characters. So I'm not at all interested in playing small roles or parallel roles. I'm waiting for someone to play the lead role in a nice fun show.
Despite being away from the screen, however, Sheena remained in constant touch with her fans. He says I was active on social media. I used to write on social media about different aspects of my life, about festivals as well as about my surgery. I also posted a video of what I cooked during the lockdown on social media.
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