- Scholars have said that Samyak Darshan and simplicity are interrelated. Simplicity and uprightness are sacred links connecting with the Lord.
Three or four young men came to the shop of a small shopkeeper in a small town to get two cells for a camera. He took the cell and gave a note of fifty rupees. The merchant mistakenly took ten rupees and returned ninety.
The youths caught eyeballs running against each other. The merchant shouted, Alya boy, stand up. Take this. One young man told another, "Uncle has found out that there is a mess in the accounts." The young man said walking quickly, uncle no time. We have to catch the car .. and disappeared in the crowd.
Among the youths sitting in the train is Ajamp. The train does not depart soon. So many times the breathless uncle climbed into the youth compartment and said, boy, I was praying to God that the train would not take off and I arrived.
The youngsters were shocked that they had to give back fifty rupees. Uncle said, "You took a cell from my shop and in a hurry you forgot your precious camera on the counter of my shop." Leo, take care of your camera.
Panting and sweating, these youngsters were watching and amazed at the uncle who came to give Rebzeb a five thousand camera. The young man took out a fifty note and said to the merchant, "Uncle, you had to give back forty, except for 10 cells out of the fifty notes we gave you." This is fifty times as you mistakenly gave the Sony note to ninety.
Boy, you look like a gentleman. I came to give back your camera, so you give fifty rupees as a reward, but take a little from me? Kahetank got out of the car. The car screamed .. and took off. The youth, persevere, stared at the beauty of the slow-moving statue of ease on the Rebzeh platform.
I don't know if the friend of the village who is Vaiyavachchha explained the inner penance in simple and straightforward language, and the merchant uncle whose virtue of simplicity exposed Nakhshik's honesty, both of them must have had a vision, but that is for sure. It is natural for simple beings to attain Samyak Darshan. That is why the scholars have said that Samyak Darshan and simplicity are interrelated. Simplicity and uprightness are sacred links connecting with the Lord.
- Quality Barwaliya
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