- Sunil Shetty shared a video on social media in which both Ahan and Rahul were spotted together. "My love is my strength," the video read
Athiya Shetty, daughter of Sue Neil Shetty, is currently a cricketer. L. News that she is dating Rahul is being heard loudly in a few days. Athiya and Rahul are currently in London. It is reported that Rahul had identified Athiya as his partner before the final of the World Test Championship in England last month. As a rule, if a player travels with his wife or partner for a series, he has to report it in advance.
Interestingly, just a few days ago, Sunil Shetty shared a video on social media in which both Ahan and Rahul were spotted together. "My love is my strength," the video read. Talking about it, Sunil said, "Ahan and Rahul are friends. My message is for both. Rahul is one of my favorite cricketers.
However, Sunil Shetty refrained from saying anything about the rumors of the relationship. Rahul and Athiya posted photos of the holiday they spent together in the past on social media. They are both brand ambassadors of a well-known eyewear brand. When Sunil Shetty was asked about this equation, he quickly said, "I think it's better if you ask him about it. This is an ad or not .. I mean this is an international brand and he has chosen these two as brand ambassadors. Looks extremely brilliant with both of these. They're a good looking couple, aren't they? Thus, they are acting as brand ambassadors. And I would definitely say that the two are looking pretty good together, well, this is in Ed. (Laughs) '.
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