- Antaryatra: Dr. Sarvesh Q. Vora
- In the age of inflation of spiritual discourses, ninety percent of those who talk about swimming in the ocean of spirituality are spectators standing on the shore.
The whole area of lectures and articles on spiritual subjects is like a "swimming pool". Most aficionados are archers, and some sink to the depths, and very few, if any, divers reach the depths of the depths.
The meaning of the word "spiritual" has been narrowed down. "Adhyatma" means the stories of the world of Sadhubava, "Adhyatma" means to convince the mind of those old people who are drowning. And spirituality means flying around in a plane, mingling with a "glamorous" monk's sheep rather than "marketing" a brand name, listening to lectures for days on the subject of "the body is perishable" as a little "change" and Stay tuned in Opel Astra or Mercedes!
"Spirituality" means, in simple straightforward words, "to travel to Haiyan, to the personal realm of distance.", To become introverted, to descend deeper. Going too deep into a building, the person moving towards the original person living in the inside room never forgets the outside room. She does not go inside to escape from the room outside. Only he knows that this building is not just made up of outdoor rooms. Somewhere inside is a shrine, from which light is coming like a steady flame of a ghee lamp. It is an instinctive, natural instinct for any man to go to this inner room. This inner journey is a spiritual journey. The field of psychology needs to be at the beginning of that journey, and needless to say, psychology has a direct relationship with this visible world. "Spirituality" means the journey towards "Atmatattva" is true, but "Atmatattva" or "Paramatma-Tattva" does not come directly at the beginning of the journey. If this is understood then it will be understood that by any thought, by imagination you move towards Haiya that there is "spirituality".
Most swimming pool swimmers know "manzil or bhi hai" while ninety percent of those who talk about swimming in the ocean of spirituality in today's age of spiritual discourse are spectators. A few of them splash to a depth of two feet in the swimming pool, where they seem to be intoxicated as if they have reached some deep depths. In Vedanta, a huge class of self-deceivers has emerged, taking classes of four books, memorizing the scriptures like a computer, memorizing the classical definitions of the form of the soul like a parrot, and living in a dangerous delusion.
An event, a pre-birth rite or God's grace only awakens you that "Brother, don't become a frog in a well by considering the depth of one or two feet of entertainment as the ultimate depth. Depths are likely to be hundreds of feet. Be aware of those possibilities. "
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