The great philosopher Socrates said - 'I have lived life with joy, in the same way I want to see-know-feel my death with joy! '
- Vichar-Vithika-Devesh Mehta
'Bhatasya hi dhruvo mrtyu dhurvam janm mrtasya cha.
Tasmadpariharyedarthe na tvan shochitu mahsi ..
The death of the one who is born is determined and that
For the dead are destined to be born
About something that cannot be avoided
You are not worthy of mourning. ' (Gita, Chapter-4, Verse-4)
Veer Dehen with fear of death.
Adya va abdshatanterva mrtu rvai pranina dhruvam.
Hey Veer! The death of every one born takes place with him when he receives the body.
Today or a hundred years later, every animal is destined to die. (Shrimad Bhagwat, Skandha 10)
The great poet Kalidasa has said - 'The nature of death: the perversion of the body is the essence of life. For mortals, death is a natural thing. Only life is an unnatural thing. How long it will last, how it is going on is a matter of wonder. The mystic saint poet Kabirji also says - ten dwareka pinjada tame panchi paun, rahibeko acharaj hai, jay to acharaj kaun .. In the cage of the ten gates of the body, there is a bird in the form of life. It is a matter of wonder that it is being fulfilled in it.
When Yudhisthira was asked by Yaksha what is the biggest wonder of the world, Dharmaraj Yudhisthira replied - The biggest surprise of the world is that even though he sees others dying every day, man is not ready to think of his own death. Sant Kabirji says - Kabira Naubat Aapni Din Das Lehun Bajai. This flood this Patan, this street Bahuri is not seen. A human being should play ten wahs a day on the eve of his death. He should think that the town, the area and the alley in which he lives are not going to be seen for very long.
Preparations were underway to poison the Greek philosopher Socrates. His disciples, associates, friends, relatives were overwhelmed with grief. The pain of being separated forever from his dear friend, philosopher, and mentor was becoming unbearable. But Socrates had no regrets about dying. On the contrary, when the day of drinking poison came, more happiness and cheerfulness was visible on his face than on other days.
His determination to accept death with a smile was evident. It was as if he was not going to celebrate! Curiosity, enthusiasm and exhilaration were rising in her heart as if she was going to meet a loved one and it was also visible on her face.
When some friends and relatives asked him about this, he said - 'I want to experience death - I have become curious to know whether our existence after death or not? Is death the end of life or just a sequence of change? I want to see-know-feel death with joy just as I have lived life with joy! Socrates maintained the same consciousness and simplicity until the last moment of his life.
Socrates was poisoned at the appointed time. He clung to the principle of truth without any hesitation and happily dropped the bowl of poison in his mouth. Despite the effects of the poison on his body, he kept laughing and talking to his relatives. He used to say - 'This poison has affected my legs and knees and he has stopped working now, even though I am. Now this poison has started affecting my hands, waist and neck. He has stopped working.
Yet my existence has not changed at all. After a while I will stop speaking and my breathing will also stop but my enlightenment, realization will continue. I will go through the next realization after death. I can't tell them but I will know for myself. '
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