The horror of the war of hatred!

- Seminar of Parijat-Dr. Kumarapala Desai

- There is a duality of conduct and thought in the life of Manilal Nabhubhai and that is why Dhirubhai Thackeray has given the title of the play written on his life 'High mountain, deep valley'.

This is the 9th of September. Is. September 9th is the birth anniversary of Manilal Nabhubhai Dwivedi, a leading Gujarati writer, able philosopher, 'Abhedmarg Pravasi' and an internationally renowned scholar. Manilal Nabhubhai, who studied the philosophy of East and West in depth, through his essays worked to discuss the philosophy of religion and society in Gujarat and the Gujarati people first got the point of view of determining the purpose of life by keeping religion at the center.

Nabhubhai, an ardent preacher of Arya Dharmabhavana, believed in Advaitaism. Before going to the first Vishwa Dharma Parishad, Swami Vivekananda also visited him in Nadiad. Impressed by his research paper on 'Hinduism', the administrators of the World Council of Religions sent him an invitation to attend the conference, but he could not attend due to ill health. Gujarat was given elegant magazines like 'Sudarshan' and 'Priyamvada'. He created works like 'Kanta', 'Nrusihavatar', 'Siddhantasar', 'Pranavinimaya' and 'Nari Pratishtha'. Created plays like 'Kanta' and 'Nrusihavatar'.

Manilal Nabhubhai, an essayist, poet, playwright, historian, researcher, translator and original writer in English, wrote his autobiography. The facts of his life up to 12 are plotted. In a sense, this is a tragic story of his personal life and he speaks of his faults and ejaculations in an open manner, even though his taste is violated.

Manilal Nabhubhai had a reputation as a thinker, a pundit and a spiritualist folk teacher, but his autobiography tells the grim story of a lifelong battle against a subject that has become invincible due to disease, insomnia and insatiable love. Thirty years after the death of Manilal Nabhubhai, when Dhirubhai Thackeray published Manilal Nabhubhai's autobiography 'Manilal Nabhubhai's Autobiography' in 19, there was an uproar in Gujarati literature. In this, the aim of the literate Manilal Nabhubhai was to express the aggression and embarrassment of distance in words on paper. He has written this autobiography believing that he should write down the facts that have happened in his life. But they cannot maintain neutrality while writing it. He narrates the experience by keeping his prejudices and hatreds alive. Not only about the wife or the opponent, but also about the father and the mother.

The hatred and lust that arises in the human mind for a moment is depicted here. It depicts the irritating whirlwinds of instinct in the mind. Once the Dalabhai they call a philanthropist, the same Dalabhai does not do his job by chance and immediately gives a light opinion about it. He forgets his old opinion or his long close relationship.

In this autobiography, Manilal Nabhubhai has openly told the truth about his secret conduct or even his immoral relationship with women, but in a very crude way. This statement of truth seems to have been extracted directly from the mine and many layers of clay have been deposited on it, while in Gandhiji's autobiography the statement of those experiences seems to have been heated gold. Both Manilal and Gandhiji have written autobiographies openly, but Gandhiji writes it with remorse; This is rarely seen in Manilal.

Moreover, when a human being is surrounded by heterogeneity, only those who experience it can realize the mental and physical weakness that comes from that heterogeneity. Wife, friends, companionship, the street atmosphere, how can he forget the superstitions he got from all of them? Moreover, one of the great features of this autobiography is that it does not contain any praise, arrogance or self-praise. Mr. Munshi and many other such autobiographers could not escape from this. Manilal has been able to stay free from this. What Narmad could not do in 'My Fact', Manilal has done.

This autobiography of Manilal is an excellent example of where the truth reaches where the imagination of man does not reach. It is unthinkable for such a person to commit adultery with such a lowly woman. Manilal's life takes turns that we can't even imagine. This autobiography contains Manilal's candid statement. It's usually easy to be frank about others, but it's hard to be frank about yourself. But it is true that their inter-conflict does not result in introspection, but that the inter-conflict itself is at the level at which it has occurred, as it has happened. Manilal gets rid of the suffocation by plotting this inter-conflict. There is no purpose to introspection in this autobiography. Only then does he intend to file his complaint in the future.

Here, even at the expense of one's own reputation, candid statements have been used. Gandhiji's autobiography contains sketches of contemporary personalities, in which Gandhiji has been very careful. Often they write without giving names. Care is taken not to tarnish the character of any person. Manilal does not care about non-violence as much as Gandhiji. His eyes and name are fixed only on the truth. He does not insist that this truth is always beautiful. One of the characteristics of truth is its fire element. The one who touches it can be seen in many places.

Manilal, who discusses Vedanta and presents rational ideas, defends his conduct by preaching that 'sexual intercourse in Abheda is not sinful', which shows his distorted mind. The one who is respected like Vivekananda, who is invited to lectures abroad, the one who protests like Maxmલરller, on the one hand, thinks deeply on the intellectual level and on the other hand, his body hunger which plunges him into the deep pit of nature! Manilal’s autobiography provides a great deal of research material for sociologists, psychologists and sexologists. But more than that, this autobiography is challenging for our novelists and playwrights. It is said that there is no such thing as tragedy in Gujarat, but more tragedy material can hardly be found anywhere else!

Manilal falls in love with a woman, but after experiencing his infidelity, he decides not to have such a relationship with a woman, at the same time Diwali love letters arrive. He finally explains the philosophy of love to her and before she accepts it, the woman dies in Pewivirah! What he considered to be his own did not happen to him and what he went away from, he sacrificed by showing selfless love! The deep wound of not being able to recognize him was felt in Manilal's heart. What could be another tragedy like this?

Moreover, the love, tenderness and accuracy in the language of these Diwali love letters is remarkable from a literary point of view.

There is a duality of conduct and thought in the life of Manilal Nabhubhai and that is why Dhirubhai Thackeray has given the title of the play written on his life 'High mountain, deep valley'. Although he has put all his faults on paper and, in the eyes of Acharya Anandashankar Dhruva, he has done a disservice.


A merchant came to Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, with a very valuable gift. He humbly pleaded, 'You, accept this trivial gift of mine.' Jesus Christ looked at the merchant and then lowered his gaze to the most precious gift. He did not even take that precious gift in his hand. He pleaded again, 'If you accept this most precious gift, my life will be blessed, so please forgive me.' The lowly Jesus Christ looked up and said, 'How can I accept your gift? You bought it with stolen money. ' When the merchant heard this, he was troubled and said, 'What are you talking about? I have bought this gift from my earnings. Not stolen. '

Jesus Christ said, 'If your neighbor is naked and hungry and your treasury is full, it is not stolen, but what else? You must sell this gift of yours and from whatever money you get from it, give food to the hungry and clothes to the naked. '

The merchant said, 'If you ask the hungry to feed and clothe the naked, I will obey your order. I have even more money than this, so don't worry, but you have to accept my gift. '

Returning the gift, Jesus Christ said, 'Helping the needy is the most precious gift I have ever had.' And from that day the merchant began to serve the poor and needy.

The revelation of the moment

Respecting the 'slanderer', the slanderer, Saint Kabir said that it should be kept as a hut in our yard, but even a slanderer bigger than such a slanderer is sitting in your mind and your slanderer is discouraging you from time to time. Any challenge that comes your way will immediately jump out of your mind and the critic will say, 'This is not your job' or 'This is not your business' or 'You have no such ability.'

Whether it is a difficult task, a knot, or a test of intelligence, or a new or different type of task, your critic will immediately stand up and resist. When it comes to doing hard work, coping with disasters or facing difficulties, this critic will immediately oppose you and if you accept it, you will in a sense accept inaction.

Because of this critic you will keep retreating in life and then think that there is a lot of desire to do Akaam, but the situation is not as per one's wish. In fact man has to create the situation as he wishes.
