The patriarchy as shown in Hindu scriptures is the greatness of Shraddha

- Vichar-Vithika-Devesh Mehta

- which satisfies the dead parents by shraddha. Freed from parental debt, he attains the supreme position at death. Shraddha Karma saturates and satisfies not only the fathers, but also Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh Tata and many other gods. By whose blessing the patriarch attains liberation.

The importance of Shraddha in Bharatiya culture is shown in many Puranas. The word Shraddha is derived from the Sanskrit word Shraddha. It is defined in two or three ways. 'Shraddhaya Kritan Sampaditamidam', 'Shraddhaya Diyate Yasmat Tat Shraddham', 'Shraddhaya Idam Shraddham'. Shraddha is a special deed performed faithfully for the purpose of one's dead ancestors. Maharshi Parashar has stated the characteristics of Shraddha and said - Tilaidarbhaishch mantraishch shraddham syachchhaddhaya yutam. Shraddha is the deed which is done faithfully in the country, time and character through rituals like sesame, barley and darbha etc. and mantras.

In the same way, Maharshi Marichi has shown almost the same symptom and said - 'Shraddha is the food which is given to one's loved ones in the name of one's dead father. Maharshi Brihaspati has also expressed the same opinion - the special kind of karma in which the best food dishes are cooked with the aim of saturating the patriarch with milk, ghee and honey is called shraddha. The same thing is shown in the Brahmapuran as well.

The scriptures describe many differences in faith. The Matsyapurana states that there are three types of Shraddha, Nitya, Naimittika and Kamya Bhedati. There are five types of Shraddha mentioned in Yamasmriti, Kurmapuran and Brihaspatisamhita - Nitya, Naimittika, Kamya, Vriddhi and Parvana. Shraddha performed daily is called Nitya Shraddha. Ekoddishta, shraddha performed in view of an occasion is called occasional shraddha. Shraddha performed for the purpose of fulfilling one's work-desire is called Kamya Shraddha.

The shraddha performed during the period of Vriddhi Sutak i.e. the birth of a child is called Vriddhishraddha and the Parvan Shraddha performed on the date of Amas or Parva. In addition to these five, Bhavishya Purana has stated seven other types of Shraddhas, namely, Gosthi, Shuddhayartha, Karmang, Divine, Yatrartha and Pushtayartha. All the types of Shraddha mentioned above have the distinction of Shraut and Smart. Shraut Shraddha uses only Vedic mantras while Smart Shraddha uses Vedic, Puranic, Tantric and Dharmashastra mantras.

The Adi Granth Vedas of the Hindus describe Karmakand, Upasana Kand and Gyan Kand all three but Karmakand has got the main place in it. Vedokta is the ritual method of various yagnas within the ritual. In this, patriarchy has also gained an important place.

Another name for this patriarchy is 'Shraddha'. Pitruyagna means all the deeds like pindodaka etc. performed faithfully after the death of family members like parents. In the Vedas what is called patriarchy is known as shraddha in the same Puranas.

There are many benefits to doing patriarchy. It is said in Garuda Purana - Ayu: Putran, Yash :, Swargam, Kirti Pushtin Balam Shriyam. Pashun saukhyam, dhanam dhanyam prapnuyat pitrupujanat. Shraddha is satisfied with karmic patriarchal worship and provides glory, animals, happiness, wealth and grain to the father. The special glory of shraddha in the patriarchy is mentioned in the scriptures. Maharshi Jabali says - Shraddha in the father's side brings son, life, health, immense wealth and desired things. '

Which is said to satisfy dead fathers through shraddha. Freed from parental debt, he attains the supreme position at death. Shraddha Karma saturates and satisfies not only the fathers, but also Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh Tata and many other gods. By whose blessing the patriarch attains liberation.
