The secret of the male sukta.

The incarnation of man and nature is possible in this world. The importance of Srisukta is the same as that of Purusha Sukta in our various scriptures. The male sukta is the archana of Lord Vishnu. We have Purush Sukta spoken during Vishnuyag, Gayatri Yajna and other Yajna rituals there. The second chapter in our Rudri is that male sukta. There are 12 mantras in Purush Sukta. In Rigveda Mandal 10, Sukta 20, Purush Sukta is given. To escape from the darkness of ignorance, one must acquire the mysterious knowledge of Purusha Sukta. Paramatma can be reached by studying and reciting Purusha Sukta. The following is a short paraphrase of Purush Sukta:

Om Sahasra Shirsha Purush: Sahasraksha Sahasrapat

स भूमी गु स्पृष्टवा स्पृत्वात्पतिष्ठह दशांगुलम् ।।

God has a thousand brain eyes and legs. It measures the ground from all sides and stands on ten fingers. Everything in front of us is male or divine, what happened in the past and what will happen in the future is male. The state of Samrutvani (liberation) is ruled by a man. In the Purusha Sukta, the four feet of God are imagined. All the animals as one foot of the male and the three foot elements are nectar and indestructible. Tripad Udhvadudayat Purush: That is, the three-legged man is above this illusory world. One of these feet (fourth leg) is formed again and again in the world in the form of Maya. From the primordial man a vast universe arose. Hiranyagarbha male appeared by making that body the basis. Then that man produced the land then the man arose from the cloud sacrifice. After the Rigveda-Samveda originated from the male cloud, the Gayatri verse originated and the Yajurveda originated from the Srishti Yajna. Horses, cows, horses originated from Srishti Yajna. The man who is the instrument of creation, the gods like Prajapati etc. and the sages who are suitable for the creation of the universe performed various yagnas and sacrifices. The clan of the man produced by the gods and sages was Brahmin. Two Ba Hu happened to be Kshatriyas. Vaishya originated from the male thigh and Shudra from the two legs.

Shri Sukta has worship of Lakshmiji and Purusha Sukta has worship of Narayana. Lord Lakshmi Narayan governs the universe. Shri Narayan has a green tradition. A prayer for the realization of God.

- Bharat Anjaria
