There is an urgent need to popularize population control!

- Unveiled-Jay Vasavada

- Children and the elderly are dependent on others. The same is true of women in many households in the social system. Therefore, production in India does not increase in proportion to the increase in population

E is a site on the internet. World Population Clock puts live by processing official statistics of various countries, surveys of NGOs, international data like United Nations etc. from scientific mathematical theories. Even if the number changes every day between writing and reading, it does not mean to write an exit. But according to that, the population of India has now crossed one billion and forty nine lakhs. In short, we have reached 150 crores. Official figures are realized when a new census is taken. According to the site, twenty-seven thousand plus deaths are recorded daily in India, and sixty-five thousand plus births. Thirteen plus migrate every day! (This figure is as discussed in an independent article, Indians leaving the country and settling elsewhere!)

Simple mathematics also explains that more births, less deaths add to the surplus population. In other words one person is added every two seconds in India. This may seem like too much, but as we discussed in detail in last week's cover (read this article specifically, this game is in its supplementary research), the rate of population growth is declining. Half in five decades. That was it. According to one estimate, it will go into the teens after 203 - there will be more citizens saying goodbye than new born children! One logic is simple. Today India is a young country. The average age of the population is 2-3 years. In sixty years, they will all be old and most of them will die of old age despite good facilities. Then there will be no replacement. India's average TFR (Total Fertility Ratio, Average Births per Woman) is 4.5. That is why the sudden drop that happened in some countries does not happen, so the replacement ratio should be 3.1! If it goes down, new children will be born less and the population will decrease.

Now, there is a 'theory' that all of a sudden, the chaplains, who are imparting Gokhaniyu knowledge in English, chewed it and the rest of them, like Ray Lol's Garba, took it for granted ઃ demographic dividend. Gokhaniyagodas apply European borrowings without understanding India's size and social diversity, explaining that more population means more purchasing power. We stay ahead in the numbers game. Production increases if more people are employed. This is true to an extent. The world is amazed at our statistics. When the Gujarat Samachar readership figure was told to the diplomatic officer in Washington DC, he was shocked by the giant figure! This means we have more men. From the school to the mall, there is a lot going on. And everyone should get income and employment in their own business. Particles to ants, mounds to elephants. The demographic dividend. - Marrow Life.

No, Punishment Life. These theories on paper are rigid in practice. The first is the simple breakaway theory of economics. Increasing the number to a certain extent remains profitable. Even increasing numbers after a saturation point becomes detrimental. Because the cost of infrastructure investment to meet it is like lighting a hundred rupee note in the dark to find a fallen twenty rupee note! That's what's happening there. The advantage of having more than a hundred workers is to open a school for them. Teachers' salaries, fuel for vehicles, wide roads and houses are all washed away. Most people do not have such a vision of Akhil Darshan, they do not know, do not understand.

Another term is પે dependency ratio. Open population statistics Not all people are productive. Many children and the elderly depend on others. Another earns for them. The same is true of women in many households, given the lack of modernity in the social system. Therefore, production in India does not increase in proportion to the increase in population. (Just for the sake of information, no matter how many joint families there are, according to the last census, only 5% of families in Gujarat were divided. The divorce rate was also as high as 11%.)

Apart from that we must see rising unemployment. One is the government's indiscriminate economic (a) policies, lack of proper semantic vision. This is largely due to the ever-increasing speed and proliferation of automated technology, which is constantly wasting manpower. Third, the lack of merit for any reason in qualifying oneself as employable. So the estimate is that sixty to seventy per cent of the people between the ages of 60 and 70 who can be included in the so-called national employment GDP are unemployed due to lack of work. Borrows or lives in poverty. In the last census, the official population living below the poverty line was 9%. And according to the United Nations estimates it is between 40 and 50%!

Where do you need to go very far? Just remember last year's 'labor migration'. There is poverty in India that sleeps exhausted and dies due to lack of space on the railway tracks, who quietly run 'marathons' without sports shoes, barefoot or wearing slippers to cross state borders for lack of money. There is still a population pedaling bicycles, without exercise. And totally dirty - stale food is also bought and eaten. 2016 U.S. According to the Population Aging Report, by 2020, the number of senior citizens over the age of 60 in India will increase from 110 million to 80 million. As aid to medical facilities increases, so does life expectancy. Now pensions are also taxable, savings have no interest. Now that the disabled and sick people are back on the water bank, then all the parties should give them populist government schemes! (We don't have a special self-dependent health insurance concept like in the West.) So who gets hit? The country's economy! Which can never leave the subsidy stick due to population!

In 2014, Abhishek Chakraborty and S. Krishna, a research paper for the World Bank on 'Democracy and Demography: Social Effects of Fertility Limits on Local Leaders' at the international level. Created on India by economists named Anukriti. An important finding in this is that due to the obsession for 'male offspring' in India, the number of daughters in population control is declining! This is a strange contradiction! In Hindu society which worships woman as power and goddess, there is an imbalance in the extent of female feticide / abortion in some states / areas / castes. The female ratio is higher among Muslims who follow Islam and consider women as second citizens in practice! This has already happened in China. In 2010 a book called 'Missing Girls' was published on this issue. It was said that if there is a son in the same offspring, the number of daughters will decrease.

Drawing sophistry in the same argument, many daffodils say that Falani Vibhuti was such a child and Dhikni Hasti was such a child. Yane, to produce great consciousnesses like a pig. Alas, Nature finds its balance, if you don't get it wrong. A friend jokingly looks at Afghanistan's new Haiyaholi and says that it is true that the rate of Muslim population growth is the highest in the world. But given the way the infighting is going on from within, the same global equilibrium will naturally come under control in a few decades! This is found in living things. This is not to say that having one or two children does not induce genius talent.

It is nonsense that only if there are more children, the culture of our relationship, uncle, mama, aunt, uncle, sister-in-law, etc. will be saved and religion will be saved and the scent of family will be saved. The first is that some who say such things are themselves apostates and anti-worldly. The advice of those who do not take responsibility for themselves is given to others. He should take responsibility on his own. Do children raise others for their sake?

Another important point. What do women who say such things understand? A boy-girl-like machine like Shah Jahan's Mumtaz, a long Lapsinder's anchor? Women also died in earlier deliveries. If it is strong, is it for someone's religious political belief that boys are born? The birth rate of women is also declining. If the exploitation of women only increases the difficulty, then why does nature want to produce it?

Practically, the rate of spontaneous population growth in India has been declining, not just because of public awareness in the last decade. There is also inflation. Have you made a practical estimate of the cost of raising a child with love and raising it with more love nowadays? Medical, school fees, hobbies, mobiles, clothing, entertainment, travel, higher education, setting in life, vehicle, building - all these.

There is another important reason, the contraceptives that have made science convenient. People who say words like condom and pill are ashamed. Anne yells at the hoardings of the ads. But it is a much-needed revolution. Seeing it being talked about openly, even preaching with permission. All live like a few monks? Nature has paired Ultimate Pleasure with fertility. So why do people live for the sake of not enjoying happiness? So just as science made life easier by finding glasses, mobile lights from airplanes, so is the contribution of the contraceptive revolution. Which should be happily welcomed in a country torn apart by our population


Due to such reasons the population in educated states / families decreases. correct. Only six states of UP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh account for 80% of India's population. The Hindi-speaking area called Cobalant needs population control first. If there is no religion or caste in the proposed law of the Yogi government, then it is Bogha

Secularists bounce back and forth to make statistical arguments for Basirpair. Excess of statistics can be dangerous. Sunny is financially able to support Leo's family. In addition to his twins, he has three children, a poor daughter Dutt. So there was a balance of the orphan child. Is the family overpopulated? In the same building, if two women do not have children and two women have four children, the average is two per woman. But what about two families with a large population? In the same way that more children get more wages, in some poor families the number of children grows. The citizen remains the same and the resources are used the same. In short, even if India's population is expected to decline in the long run in the long run and is projected to fall below minus one billion by the end of this century, if we see 'growth' now, population control will be needed immediately. And Every Choice Has a Price. We have to endure a little bit for tomorrow. Shortcuts to scarcity and overcrowding are breeding grounds for corruption. The highway to corruption control is also population control. Even the impact of votebank politics and racism will diminish. Wealthy people will send children to another country, what will happen to the rest?

So population control is inevitable. Now the question is how to implement it. If the value of individual freedom is highest in a democracy and there is individual freedom, then it is not understood in our country that religious beliefs are above the constitution. But sensible people have to pay attention to it. As we saw in the previous cover, our TFR has already come down. Mandatory two-child policy like China is necessary. But making it mandatory is like reforming the reserve policy. Uniform happens like a civil code. I know I should, but who pays for it? What if the ego starts to wander and riots break out?

So the focus can be on the incentive method. As mentioned earlier, having only one child is a preference and bonus from tax to reservation. High interest rate deposit, interest free loan to special insurance. Only having a daughter in it benefits her more than that. Government jobs, promotions. Provided that there is no future population growth. Special cash assistance. Exemption in special tax like road tax. And for couples or single people who do not have children at all, the benefits up to land-building. In India, the combination of fear and greed succeeds.

He has written this by remaining unmarried only after inheriting the inheritance of the parents of the same child without increasing such population growth, so Paropdesh is not Pandityam. Population should be controlled in any way. Hindu-Muslims have to understand this. Check. Even with the rise of proselytism, the Christian population in India has not grown significantly since independence. The Parsis have fallen! So if you give birth to Zaza offspring in the circle of numbers, then it may be possible to fight for the inheritance like a dog-cat?

Xing Thing

"Power has nothing to do with numbers. Otherwise, cockroaches would have ruled the earth instead of humans. "

(Amrish Patel)
