In the happiness that Bhagavan Ram Vijayadashami killed Ravana, for years we have been burning the idol of Ravana and eating jalebi fafda. But even after eating, we fail to discern the heart of Dussehra. Our festival is limited to eating and drinking, rituals, dots and appearances. We forget that truth has triumphed over falsehood. Even in Ravana, the lies like greed-lust-ego-pride-lust-greed are alive in us too. Indeed, the understanding given by our age and experience should be achieved by listening to the voice of Atam-Ram and conquering the self and trying to conquer the lies that haunt us like that Ravana. If you don't do it, then it's time to lose.
Ma-Durga and Lord Rama defeated the demonic power and freed the people from terror. Asking ourselves why we should free ourselves from it. Also ask yourself to what extent our greed-lust-lust and jealousy, jealousy, hypocrisy, pretentiousness bother us. Like the ten-headed Ravana, we should also check how much mental damage is caused by the masks we wear every day. Both Ravana and Rama are within us. If we sincerely look inside, we will not have to become sheep of any sect, denomination or herd. We have to take care of ourselves. Rama's ideology is said to be helpful.
Let us ask Shakti for devotion that O Bhavani, O Ram give me strength to fight against me. Lord, I am ashamed to come through you with a dirty sheet. O God, awaken in me a weapon of discretion. Lord give me the strength to discern the good-natured. Give me the courage to stop climbing the path of evil intellect and take the path of policy, kindness, compassion, honesty, honesty and go further and become a life warrior.
OK. We are the slaves of human instincts. But it is in our best interest to try to win over ourselves rather than trying to show the world. In particular, one needs to stay away from self-deception, delusion and gossip. We have to control our stress.
Vijaya Dashmi is a victory celebration. With a little bit of brainstorming, a little bit of introspection, a little bit of diffusion, a little bit of being transparent and not understanding oneself as a poor father, a new path can be paved at any time in life. Innovation is born of innovation. For the rest of your life, no matter how many religions you practice, if you don't win yourself, you feel like you have lost your life. If you look back, you will realize how much all the precious moments have been wasted. The birth was given by Lord Rama and kept Ravana pampered all his life. Let's speak so that our self-pity does not tell us in our ears ...
- Anjana Raval
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