Aso Vad Baras is called "Waghbaras" or Gauvatsadvadashi. "Gauvats" means cow and calf. Drawing a picture of a cow with a calf on this day is a statement to worship it faithfully. This vow fulfills all the desires of human beings.
"Sing only faith:" means the cow is the mother of the real world. His body is the abode of all the gods and goddesses. That is why worshiping and worshiping cows is believed to lead to the worship of all gods and goddesses.
Gopuja is very important as a vow. In the Agnipurana, Brahmaji showed Narada that the one who circumambulates the cow once and bows down to it becomes happy and enjoys the bliss of heaven. The human being who wakes up in the morning and touches the cow and his ghee is freed from complex sins. The fast of three days of hot gaumutra, three days of hot gaudhrut, three days of drinking hot milk is called 'Taptakrichchhavrat' which is the atonement for all sins and the attainment of Brahmalok. If these three things are taken cold in the same order, it is called 'chill'. Which is considered to be the provider of all happiness. Bathing with cow urine every day for a month, drinking cow's milk, serving cows and feeding the cows only after feeding them - this is the practice by which man becomes sinless and goes to the best world.
Today, when monks and religious people have called for saving Gaudhan, a man should adopt a cow and take care of it. Virtue can also be attained by doing Gaudan today.
Considering the inability, limitation and impossibility of man to love the entire animal kingdom, our sages have commanded Gauseva as a symbol of the animal kingdom. Thus the glory of 'Gau Vatsadvadashi' is immense in Indian culture.
- Kanaiyalal Raval
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