Give it a try

- Eating cardamom will not cause onion garlic odor from the mouth.

- Soaking onion in vinegar for a while will not cause bad breath.

- Adding a few cloves and turmeric to the oven when not in use will prevent pests in the oven.

- Putting mint and neem leaves in a bowl in the microwave oven will not cause tinnitus in the oven.

- Mixing soda bi carb and salt symmetrically and rubbing the teeth will remove the gum problem.

- Rub a piece of stale paper to clean the shoe.

- Before polishing the shoe, place the brush near the heater or lamp and heat and polish it to make the shoe shiny.

- Add one teaspoon of flour to ghee while making mugi dal halva. Then by adding the crushed mugi dal, the dal will not stick to the bottom of the pot.

- Putting two teaspoons of ground almonds in a simple cake will make the cake swell.

- A woman who is bleeding profusely during menstruation will benefit from mixing two mango juices in two ripe bananas and drinking three to four times a day. Mix two grams of honey in two-three mangoes and lick it in the morning and evening or mix one gram of cumin and a little granulated sugar in twenty grams of mangoes. If fresh mango is not available, soak the dried mango at night and mix it with masali cumin and granulated sugar in the morning.

- Excessive use of coriander in food is normal for menstrual bleeding. Boil ten grams coriander powder and powdered sugar in a cup of water and drink it after cooling. Morning-evening drinking for 15 days will get rid of the problem of excessive menstruation.

- Mixing lemon juice and milk symmetrically and cleaning the marble will remove the stains on it.

- Mix three grams of mango powder and three grams of turmeric and drink it twice a day with water, it will be beneficial in the early stage of diabetes.

- Meenakshi Tiwari
