Give it a try

- If the zipper does not rotate properly, turning the bath soap on it will cause the zipper to rotate properly.

- Apply a light touch of mustard oil on the oats to keep them fresh for a long time.

- Add a pinch of salt to the hot water shake bag to keep the water warm longer.

- Dip a knife in hot water before cutting hard fruits like locusts. Fruits will be cut easily.

- Removing the warm ironing on the cellotape so that it does not stain while removing the cello tape stuck to the wall will not remove the paint or wallpaper on the wall.

- If there is a rash on the nose, looking at the sun in the morning and sniffing any flower and throwing it away relieves the rash.

- Applying aloe vera leaves warmly on normal swelling will reduce the swelling.

- If the slice of bread is too big, dry it without throwing it away and keep it in a glass jar. This powder can be used to thicken gravy or curry.

- Amla is a little hard so it has to be steeped in water before use. In order to use Amla immediately, put it in a dish in a prep kusher and use it for boiling. Do not add water.

- To keep the cheese fresh for a long time, wrap it in a cloth soaked in vinegar and put it in the refrigerator.

- If the postage stamps are stuck together, they can be easily removed by keeping them in the refrigerator for a while.

- Peel an onion, grate it in aluminum foil and keep it in the freezer for two hours to prevent water from flowing out of the eye.

- Rubbing shoe polish on a black leather purse will make the purse shine like new.

- Adding vegetable ghee and oil to the sago paste makes the kheechadi delicious.

- Meenakshi Tiwari
