How can i love you

- Moment-to-moment-proficient tailor

- The rain has changed its face this time. Such deeds may be good for a man, but what good is rain?

No, now you say nothing about this rain. We have now set it aside for an outdated subject. And even if we write, what can be written about it now? Have you ever seen a definite form of it these days? Na ashadh ke na shravan - farkyo j kya che? Alas, he has not returned, but he has put aside even those who are enthusiastic about it, Bapada! Is that so? And the fact that there is low pressure in the ocean and it will break - what really happened? And if it happened somewhere as an exception. And he also came and went to sprinkle some of his ruab .. Gone .. Gone ... Probably not even gone. His blind devotees say that he has the power to disprove assumptions, to strike a master stroke at the last minute. We have now decided to keep a little distance, a little distance from it. Look, it's true, it was honored when it came. In the most bile days! Eating kheer, slowly spreading its sweetness all over the limbs, there it drips like a political candidate who came to seek votes prematurely, if it rains, what to say to Alelatappu? Say goodbye to those who come without a date. Sometimes when it is unnecessarily tickled, it seems to be just a hoax. The rain has changed its face this time. Such deeds may be good for a man, but what good is rain? In Lad, who was called Varsharani, alas, sometimes also called Parsad, he was also called Parjanya Dev out of pride, at one time people were chanting for his arrival, people were dipping him in water to please Shiva-Parvati and people were praying for rain. Who can accept that the rain has broken all its traditions and left the bundles of ego here and there? Hey, listen to the rain! You are not a big lat sahib, you don't even understand the president or prime minister of some country? If those people throw it away because they are poor human beings, it will work if those people mix their previous words and drink it, because they have risen above their own words, something like the word used frequently in those dance shows has become super-duper. Have. Because that is their destiny, but you are the destiny of the whole creation or the one who decides their destiny. So where did such chaos, such chaos, such irrationality, such disguise, such unwholesome trends enter you? Ball, do you have the answer?

Else, we have put you aside as a subject but we have not forgotten the pleasant experiences with you! We are not eye-catching, shoulder-to-shoulder politicians. We are your fans, your fans who love with all their heart! I have seen and enjoyed you, shaking the leaves, twisting the road maps, swaying with the wind, swaying, being adorned with lightning, showing the enormous form in the star with thunder. For hours we have heard your 'Megh' raga in Dattachitte, Datta Hridaye. We have also witnessed your slowing down, gaining momentum, becoming flat, sometimes chanting peacefully or sometimes resuming with a sudden miraculous flow - dance greens. Sometimes you are gone and we have seen the whole land of satiety. Parne parne, vrikshe vrikshe, nave nave of the house, bhavane bhavane, when you used to be amazed at what exciting postures you were wearing! What a compliment to you in their typical sound gestures by making a few sighs during your quiet postures! Even if you are calm, the water flowing from the mountain on the road, what a calm posture in Niko, would make you experience such a small music! Your non-aggression kept introducing the Narya Shanti lessons of Yajurveda. Seeing such a form of yours, many times I used to remember the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. You seemed to be a true rain god when the rain stopped ... You looked like something radiant then, you looked like nectar then ... Childhood melted into your rage. And yes, how many males and females were dancing to your beat, getting wet with you, doing your work, begging you, you would shave the peasants and all such lovers at the same time. The incident where you grabbed a pen like Kalidasa and wrote 'Meghdoot' or 'Ritusanhar' is also unknown to anyone! Then you would really become everyone's prasad ... become saad ...

Even today? You have become a solid player. Your faith has been shattered. Now, whether you come or not, when you come, you come with your guile, even if you go, you go with your stubbornness. Even your performance here now feels somewhat like a throwing politician. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. The umbrella is blown away, and your naughty form, which does not even give a chance to the clothes, is slowly disappearing, and where is the other end of the form that you sometimes sniff at when challenged? Yes, it does not have a definite posture that can be called yours when it is broken by this or that airplane. You then feel like an unaware creature. Rudrata also has his personality, just like the aristocracy has ..! You are slowly losing everything now. You just say now - how can I love you?
