Maharshi Arvind's associate Mataji developed a unique mental power!

- Invisible World-Devesh Mehta

- I'll go to Paris and prove my presence and come back in a few minutes. Thus speaking he appeared among his friends sitting in Paris

Pujya Shri Mataji, the spiritual associate of Harshi Arvind, had many supernatural yogic achievements. He was born on February 21, 19 to Maurice Alfanza, a wealthy banker in Paris, France, and his wife, Matilda. His parents named him Meera after his birth. Meera was intelligent and talented from her childhood but she was also very sensitive, receptive and capable of experiencing equality with nature. He had many realizations in his sleep and was guided by many gurus. During sleep and during the state of intense meditation, a Guru would come and guide Mira frequently. Mira's spiritual relationship with this guru became more and more intense and passionate. This Guru was called Meera Sri Krishna. Meera, who has an amazing skill of drawing, also drew a picture of this Guru with insight.

There was a strong belief in his conscience that once he had to meet this Guru in person, he would receive supreme knowledge, supreme bliss and spiritual life. He first met Maharshi Arvind on March 9, 1917. The divine light that he often saw in his childhood was found to be scattered around Maharshi Arvind. The spiritual guide he drew was Guru, the guide in the dream. Maharshi Arvind also saw that a huge power was standing in front of him. Such a devotional supreme radiant life force in the human body has not been seen in any other. Only this power of consciousness will be helpful for their super-mind quotes. That's exactly what happened.

Mira received a book of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita from Gyanendranath Chakraborty who came to Paris from India. After that Swami Vivekananda's book on Raja Yoga was also received. This led to the development of his spiritual power and yoga activity. He also developed an interest in esotericism and moved from Paris to Algeria with his wife, Max Thanyo, and his wife, Alma. Meera had acquired the ability to know the details of the place by traveling through a subtle body apart from her gross body, but Meera stayed with the couple for two years to gain more mastery and other achievements. Another name for this Arab man, known in Algeria as 'Ay Aziz', was Max Thanyo. The Thanyo couple's bungalow on a hill in Tlemsen, Algeria, became their place of experiment.

Max Thanyo and Alma were capable of astral projection or astral travel. Max Thanyo once did an experiment and demonstrated this wonderfully. He was sitting in Algeria among many people, he said - I will go to Paris and prove my presence and come back in a few minutes. Thus speaking he appeared among his friends sitting in Paris. After a short conversation with him, he wrote a message on a piece of paper, wrote down the date and time, signed it and returned to Algeria.

Alma was a connoisseur of the supernatural and a high-ranking psychic. He could communicate with ghosts and even see them. He also had the ability to see far, to hear far and to report. He could draw material things towards himself from the point of view, he could also influence his mind on inanimate objects. She would not stand up to take the things she needed or ask anyone, but she would look at the thing with concentration and pull the thing and come to them. Hundreds or thousands of miles away, he would reveal something to himself in an instant, or even deliver his object in an instant.

Once an Arab trader came to meet Thanyo. At that time I was sitting on one chair, Alma on the second chair and Meera on the third chair. In front of them was a weighty table with eight bases. During the conversation, there was talk of occult power and the influence of the mind on the material thing. The merchant not only had such power, but all this was just gossip, mocking him, Alma did not tolerate this.

He said, then see for yourself if this is true! He stared at the table a little farther away. ' In a few moments the table moved, swayed for a while and hit the merchant's forehead. The merchant screamed and ran away.

Meera got esoteric knowledge of many things from the Thenyo couple and also achieved success by practicing it. Once he was going from Algeria to Paris with the Thanyo in a steamer by sea. At that time one day the sea came terribly. The steamer began to shake as big and high waves hit. Thanyo said to Mira - 'Stop this storm.' Meera went to Pato's cabin and sat down to meditate. Releasing his body from the gross body, he reached the place where the storm had risen. Going there, I saw that many innumerable tiny beings (ghostly elements) were jumping madly and creating a storm. He said to those ghosts - 'What will you get by harassing these poor people? Please calm down and save the lives of these innocent people. ' The sea storm calmed down. I bounced back into my body. Coming out of the cabin I saw that the passengers were overjoyed as the sea storm had calmed down and the crisis of their lives had been averted.

Meera i.e. Shrimataji came to stay in Pondicherry Ashram with Maharshi Shri Arvind as her regular collaborator. The incident was brought to the notice of an esoteric fakir by an evil cook named Vattel. Using a mad boy working in the kitchen as a medium, he used to throw stones invisibly every day.

Maharshi Arvind requested Meera i.e. Shrimataji, a connoisseur of esoteric knowledge, to find out the reason for this. Shrimataji knew the reason for this from her divine power and the power was back to the experimenter. This caused the cook to fall seriously ill.
