Renuka Shahane analyzes the crimes committed during adolescence

- I myself am a mother of two children. So through this show I am trying to figure out how parents can recognize the signs of what is going on in the minds of young people.

The show 'Crime Patrol' raises awareness about how criminals are born in our society, how they commit crimes, what mentality they have behind it and how their parents can find out what is on their minds even before the perpetrators commit the crime. 'Is being managed by small screen as well as Bollywood actress Renuka Shahane.

The actress says that through this type of show, I am working to bring awareness about the crimes being committed in our society. I myself am a mother of two children. So through this show I am trying to figure out how parents can recognize the signs of what is going on in the minds of young people. And when parents smell something like that, I try to warn the parents of teenage children by telling them how to stop them from going the wrong way, how to explain the difference between right and wrong. Renuka Shahane further says that the purpose of 'misguided childhood' is to focus on the crimes committed in adolescence.

However, many people also question that crime shows have come before and are still coming today. So will Renuka Shahane really succeed in changing people's minds? In response to this the actress says that at the present stage I can't say anything about it. But the effect will be known only after a while.

Of course, I’m taking inspiration from previous episodes of this show. I have been watching this show regularly and I have noticed that this series not only presents crime incidents, but also analyzes them in detail. Why any crime has been committed is systematically investigated so that crimes in the society can be prevented.
