Saving for the future is especially necessary

If you want your future to be happy and life to run like a super fast train without stopping, then Charvak's principle, 'Rin krutva dhrutan pivet ...' Let's not, because this theory is not practical in any way. For a prosperous and stress free life you have to control your expenses and save from the beginning.

Keep a small portion of your income in savings so you don't have trouble when you need it. The habit of saving should be developed by the mother from infancy.

As a young person, it seems as if the world of dreams has not got wings! Lots of dreams for the future, lots of friends, lots of fun and besides choosing the right career, time to earn yourself after finishing college and studies. Where you used to get a little money to spend as a pocket money, now that the whole salary is in your hands after the job, you do not understand how to control the expenses. This situation is considered by economists to be a state of delusion.

Overcome costs

In today's modern age, bank loans and credit cards can be used to cover a small cost, but in the end, the money has to be repaid.

Realizing that it is wrong to be stingy and indulge in trivial matters, how appropriate it is to spend money on status symbols and appearances! So it is only right that you develop the habit of saving yourself so that in times of trouble you do not have to ask for help.

Now it is not as easy to get a government job as before and there is no confidence in a private job. That's why you need to make yourself financially viable so that once you quit your job, you can easily find another job.

Expensive lifestyle and luxurious life may attract you for a while but it is by no means suitable for your happy future. Proper savings and a well-organized financial plan can be the foundation of a happy future for you and your family. So get in the habit of saving today.

* Start saving from a small level. It is not necessary to deposit a lot of money somewhere at once and then keep on bragging all month long.

* You can have a small committee of Rs.

* Develop the habit of saving even in children from the beginning. Let them know that the habit of saving from now on will benefit you in the future.

* Life insurance life insurance policy, education policy for children, etc. should be started from an early age, so that the premium comes down and gradually a large amount is collected. This will help in giving good education to the children and you will not have to depend on anyone in old age. The money you save will make your life easier.

* If you have money, buy some land somewhere, the value of which will increase with time.

* Control false spending. Don't show.

* Buy bulk goods instead of retail goods. Goods will be cheaper at the wholesale rate.

* Two persons traveling on the same route travel in the same vehicle. This will save you money on travel expenses.

* When shopping, go with a friend or neighbor and share the cost of food and transportation.

* Tax exemption can be obtained by taking Kisan Vikas Patra, PPF, Mutual Fund, Savings Letter etc.

* Routine savings to the restaurant. Don't turn on the wrong lights and don't keep the faucet open without work. Make it a habit to turn off the lights and the fan before leaving a room.

* Don't talk long on the telephone. Doing so is a waste of both time and money.

Why saving is necessary

* Such as any contingency expenses incurred

Relative marriage, death. For no reason

Moving to another city etc.

* Good education of children and

For upbringing.

* To make your own home.

* No accident or

For trouble.

* Highly luxurious

To live life.

* Family needed

For the purpose of providing comfort.

* For marriage of son or daughter.
