Success tells me to sit up

- Internet Poetry - Anil Chawda


The closeness I have found in myself,

He has been found fighting with himself.

Surprisingly, it is called immutability,

Which has found itself changing.

Now people are so jealous,

Which has been found burning cold.

Success tells me to sit down,

The wandering I have found wandering.

I'm empty constantly inside,

I’ve found this depth since then.

Leo Jag is impressed by the understanding,

Which the world has got to understand.

- Vicky Trivedi

Nothing is permanent in the flow of time. What was new yesterday is old today. This applies equally to literature or to any field. Technology is new every day. That is the difference between religion and science. Science is updated daily and constantly. While religion is becoming antiquated day by day. That is why man feels bound by religion. Nothing else has caused as much havoc in the world as it has caused because of bullying. However, it is also true that bullying gives a person inner comfort. But religions also have to be updated over time.

Although the pace of updating and updating is as fast as technology, it is not as fast as religion. It is also true that religious superstition is as dangerous as scientific superstition. In short, any superstition hurts. Being constantly updated is a life-giving virtue of all fields. The patient has also said: Do not reject innovation. Innovation is vital, see even the breath from nature does not get old. Innovation is very necessary in this literature.

If we look from Balashankar-Kalapi till today, we can see many ups and downs in Gujarati ghazals. Poets of all times have tried to highlight their time. Poetry written in the time of Mariz, Shunya, Saif was new at that time, then the ghazals of Adil Mansoori, Chinu Modi, Manoj Khanderia, Rajendra Shukla's time presented the thought of the time. Today's generation has its own way. However, some ideas are eternal, which do not rust. The poet who can inculcate this eternity in poetry lasts a long time.

Spirituality or poetry, both ultimately have an effort to reach their own. This is a vote though. There is also an opinion that to reach the world through poetry is to produce philosophy from the effort to understand the world. The poet fights a mental battle with the world, gets wounded in it, weaves a mat of poetry by putting this wound of his into words. The conflict with the world will probably lead to quality. Only after the outer door closes will there be a secret window inside. From that window the world looks more special than it once was.

A dip in a sea of ​​ideas can bring pearls of mindfulness. Poetry is an attempt to weave the pearls of contemplation. Thus it is also said that everything has been said in the Mahabharata, now no one has anything to say. Yet hundreds of types of literature are created every day. The original thing is also the presentation. What was said years ago is touching differently today when it is presented in a new way.

This ghazal has a definite innovation and amazing presentation. Such creation should be continuous. If the poets take their own boat in the ocean of poetry and become a seafarer of poetry, then the diamond-pearl-jewel of the early word will surely be found, all that is needed is to become a diver. Let's logout from another ghazal of Vicky Trivedi ...


All the news about me,

Ignoring them makes me sick.

If I look at the floor, the interest will die,

Thank you for keeping the road spiral.

The same steps have been taken here for years,

On whose shoulders you carry the burden.

Kept explaining how to walk,

Even a stumbling block falls in love with me.

If I go to the temple and say alphabet,

Not understanding anything that keeps itself formless.

That's why my open ego is good,

Those who have the ego of 'not ego'.
