The journey of human life is endless

The journey of human life is endless. In this journey many bodies are changed like garments. As soon as one is born in the world, one is clothed in the form of a body. And as soon as he dies, this garment of body is discarded. The life we ​​see appears between birth and death but life remains dynamic even after trauma and death. The soul rests for a while between assuming a new body after death and then begins the journey ahead. In this journey, his mind is always with the living soul. This is the mind in which the sacraments performed by him are stored and on the basis of these karmic sacraments it is determined who will be the parents of his future birth? Where will he be born? What people will he interact with and what important events will happen in his life? Most people understand only the body and forget the soul within it. When we feel that I am not just a body, but a soul, we must try to move our life up and down. Then man's gaze rises above the narrowness of greed and turns towards higher purposes. Then man realizes that the Paramatma, who loves all beings equally, has given man the special powers and virtues. It does not give blindly. Shriram Sharma Acharya The aim of human life is to attain divine bliss by uplifting the soul.

- Jayendra Gokani
