If an astronomer named Han Henria Medler studied and mapped Mars for ten years in 180 AD, then the most research has been done on Mars.
- Among the planets visible to the naked eye from Earth is Mars. It is surprising to know that there is a population on Mars but that population is robotic. Seven robots from NASA and other space agencies are orbiting Mars.
- 6 days of the earth is one year of Mars, the sky appears blue at sunset on Mars.
- The highest mountain in the solar system is 6 km high on Mars.
- Mars appears red due to the presence of iron oxide particles. Mars is half the size of Earth. A man weighing 100 kg on Earth weighs 50 kg on Mars.
- The average temperature on the surface of Mars is minus 3 degrees.
- Due to the close proximity of the Martian asteroid belt, very meteor showers occur. On its surface are meteorite pits. Pits larger than 20 km are named after various scientists.
- Scientists believe that there was oxygen gas on Mars four billion years ago and that is why it is the most studied.
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