- Landscape-Subhash Bhatt
- We know the ephemerality of life. We have the moment to do what we like or not know for sure. Let's do something ...
A is about to complete one more year. This is the time to check the profit and loss of the year. Our own life is to check the balance sheet. There are no gold, flat, car, bank balance, stock market details. Did you do something this year that made you feel meaningful and fulfilling? Not something big but something foolish? Not wow wow in the world but the distance is flooded? Sometimes we have a habit of postponing tomorrow's valuable creation for the small benefit we see now. Unfortunately, this is the only thing in the world. Whose ratio is one hundred percent: of death. We know the ephemerality of life. We have the moment to do what we like or not know for sure. The truth is that we need to check the priorities and preferences of life.
There is a Taiwanese American named Candichang. Only thirty-two years old, he is considered one of the world's foremost designers, artists and urban town planning. The question that kept popping up in his mind was whether people have anything to do with their lives. People strive to find meaning and purpose in life, right? To check this out he chose an abandoned and abandoned house near his home in New Orleans, USA. He made a square-board or blackboard on a large wall on the public road of the building and wrote in large letters:
'Kill me before I die ....' and leave a blank space to finish the incomplete sentence. And in this place Candy kept as much space as many individuals could express their desires, dreams, talk, thoughts, hopes, aspirations. He kept many squares under the board. He wanted people to tear down the board. But that did not happen. Gradually people began to express their innermost desires on the board as follows:
I want to sing for millions, I want to write a book, I want to understand life, I want to tell my mother that I love you, I want to tell my friend that I have cheated on you .... etc ....
Today there are more than five thousand such black boards in thirty-five countries of the world. In this way Candy Ching has listened to the wishes, worries, pains, dreams etc. of about one crore people. In a sense this is the personal participation of creation in public space. This is a collective creativity. Life brings us two options: to create a unique work or to live life as a wonderful, unique, unique work. Here they are both found in candy. Let's assume today that Candy Ching has sent us all a board as a Diwali gift. It says:
'This year I have ..........' and in this blank line let's write our next year's blueprint of what we have to do and then do it wholeheartedly and live ... Ashok Mijaz Badr says:
Let the floor be a dream,
So much love for the bed.
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