Useful pomegranate peel.

- Small but important things

Red pomegranate is beneficial for health. Usually only pomegranate seeds are used and its peel is considered useless. But pomegranate peel also has different uses.

Prevents anti-aging by removing wrinkles on the face

Pomegranate peel stimulates the growth of Rockincells by destroying collagen in the skin. The result is reduced signs of aging and wrinkles.

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.

Make a paste by mixing a little milk in pomegranate peel powder. If you have oily skin, mix rose water instead of milk. Apply this paste on the face and after it dries, wash it off with warm water. Doing it twice a week is beneficial.

Works as a moisturizer

Pomegranate peel acts as a moisturizer on the skin. It protects the skin from the effects of pollution. Keeps the skin's pH level in balance. The elastic acid contained in pomegranate peel softens the skin. Make a paste by mixing a little yoghurt in pomegranate peel powder and apply it on the face. Wash off after ten minutes.

Eliminates bad breath

Pomegranate peel powder is beneficial for bad breath, gingivitis and peeling of the mouth. Mix one tablespoon of pomegranate peel powder with a glass of water. Rinse with this mixture two-three times a day.

Healing for the heart

Pomegranate peel is rich in antioxidants. Which helps fight heart disease. As well as lowering cholesterol levels. Reduces stress.

Drink a teaspoon of pomegranate peel powder in a glass of warm water. Drinking alternately is beneficial.

Works like sunscreen

Pomegranate peel also contains sun-blocking agents. Which protects the skin from harmful UVA and UAB rays. Which helps a lot in preventing skin cancer. Suntan can also be got rid of.

Make a paste by mixing pomegranate peel powder with lotion or cream. Also any oil can be mixed in it. Make a paste and apply it on the face.

- Surekha Mehta
