Vaishnavi Dhanraj, a well-known small screen actress, was married to Nitin Sehrawat in the year 2021. But in the year 2012, they got divorced. And after five years, the actress is ready to start her own life again. Vaishnavi says I am looking for a good young man. Although I knew such a young man. But the talk did not stop. "I was devastated when this happened five years ago," he says of his divorce. It took me a while to come out of her shock. Also, when a woman gets divorced, people talk differently.
Although now I don't care what people say. I have noticed that my friends are living happier lives because of their spouses. I also want to find a faithful, trustworthy partner. He should have respect not only for me, but also for others. He should stand beside me in good times, not leave me in the middle of nowhere. Whether he is working in the field of acting or in any other field is not important to me. Many people believe that there are always problems in the lives of artist couples. While I do not agree with this. We are witnessing a number of artists living happily married lives.
Aspiration Juneja injured
Actress Akanksha Juneja, who is playing the role of 'Kanak Desai' in 'Saath Nibhana Saathiya', was injured a few days back. She actually slipped into the bathroom. And he had a big cut in the upper part of his eye. The actress said that when I slipped in the bathroom, my head wandered with the washbasin and a long slit fell on the top of my eye. My whole face was covered with blood and I was also hit in the head. I couldn't even open my eyes.
However I immediately went to the hospital. The doctor took four stitches on my incision. I was then placed on painkillers. I reported the incident to the serial creators. I couldn't shoot with such a face. And I was in so much pain. However the production team immediately gave me a few days off to rest.
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