A calm lake of pure love will be seen instead of the stormy sea of ​​lust!

- Known though unknown-Munindra

- As he moves away from the attachment of the senses and becomes absorbed in the soul, the music of his life will change.

Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Just our five senses and our mind riding on it. These senses arouse a strong disorder in a human being and his mind blinds him and makes him run aimlessly.

Those who run as the senses run and always surrender to it, are constantly miserable, distressed and persistent. If you look out the mind of the one who has no victory over lust, then you will realize what a rush is going on in that mind for the attainment and satisfaction of lust! The eyes of the greedy man are always on the dishes and when he sees the sweet shop, his mind becomes very restless!

The refuge of the senses is the path of misery and the path of destruction. By surrendering to it, one invites oneself to walk in the face of one's own destruction. When he dances to the beat of the senses, he does not even realize what he is doing. Because the idea of ​​happiness that comes from the senses is a delight. He thinks that this sense happiness will be obtained, so how much immense pleasure will be obtained! But that happiness is short-lived and then only sorrow remains.

Christianity says: "No one can serve two masters." While here there are not two, but five owners, all the five senses of a person are its owners. What a plight of a man drowning in the victim of such five senses! Where it is difficult to save two senses, what a meteor will be created when five senses come together! Moreover, man's mind sometimes wanders to the past, sometimes to the future.

The point is to exercise restraint on the bouncing, buzzing senses. When poets have described femininity, they have seen women not in terms of lust, but in terms of beauty. It is necessary for a person to eat nutritious food, but it is wrong to be obsessed with delicious food by subduing the tongue. Seeing, hearing, eating - everything is essential. Care of eyes, ears, tongue, body etc. is also required, but that care is limited to its health. Too much care of it or its ladcode becomes painful. What happens to a person who is overly concerned about the body and spends hours in fashion, when old age comes? How much will the same person who used to see bright and glowing skin feel when he sees his wrinkled skin? Our craving for the body makes the soul forget.

How does the body of a person who believes in bodily pleasures feel when a disease occurs in his body?

Everest conqueror Sherpa Tenzing was the first man to reach the world's highest peak and the same Sherpa Tenzing could barely walk towards the end of his life. For him, crossing a threshold was even more painful than crossing Everest.

The one who considers physical well-being as the goal of his life has to be utterly disappointed in the end. For a long time a person has considered his body to be everything or he has considered the soul to be totally secondary considering body as the main thing. In this birth it is necessary to keep our soul as the main and keep the body as the secondary behind it. If this change takes place, then in this birth a person can get a lot of spiritual path. In other words, one can correct the error of one's future. The man who forgot the soul must now be walking with that soul in front of him. That slave of the senses will now have abandoned slavery and become its master. The fickle, wandering mind will now be immersed in peaceful samadhi.

As he moves away from the attachment of the senses and becomes absorbed in the soul, the music of his life changes. At one time his mind was fascinated by erotic scenes and he was chasing after her, now he must have seen such scenes as insignificant. The dish whose whole existence was zooming on seeing it and which it was eager to consume, would have fallen in front of the same dish and its fur would not have turned. The movement which was earlier towards the senses, now takes a complete turn towards the soul. At one time the ear loved noisy music, now it longs for the quiet tunes of sitar, harp or violin.

He used to talk constantly, talk nonsense, talk for hours on mobile, now he prefers silence instead of speech. Speaks very few promises instead of many. Before I spoke, I didn't think that what I was saying was right, discretionary and necessary, right? Now, when he speaks, he first thinks that it is necessary to break the silence and then it is necessary to remain silent.

He will feel that at a time when the ocean of sense-lust was roaring, the waves bouncing high in the heart have calmed down as a result of the identity of the soul. At one time the thoughts of lust had no control, now slowly all of them have subsided and the heart has become a calm lake of witnessing instead of the roaring sea of ​​lust. In it, sometimes, somewhere, a whirlwind wakes up, but it dissolves in the same water as it wakes up. Instead of a stormy sea of ​​lust, there is a calm lake of pure love. He realizes that the attraction of the world, which used to be attractive to the outside world, is fading away. Its speed is changing. It now moves inwards instead of outwards.

He used to enjoy listening to the noise outside. Whether it was loud music, a disco song, or a slander, he liked it very much. Now? Now there is a situation where listening to loud music makes you want to move away from it, listening to someone's slander makes you want to stay away from it, that is, it is the sense of the ear, but the attitude and function of that sense has changed.

Till today, he was in love with the limbs of a beautiful woman, delicious food, criticism of someone, charming scenes and soft touch. Now, instead of all that, he becomes the lover of his soul. He tries to listen to his inner voice, he has a thong to see his self-form, he is no longer interested in the taste or aroma outside and he gently touches the idol of God instead of softly touching someone. In this way he transcends the senses and reaches the soul and rejoices in it.
