In the town of Po Laspur, there was a potter named Swami Sakdalputra, who had a fortune of crores of gold coins and thousands of cows.
Sakdalputra was a trader in making and selling pottery. Outside the town he had five hundred workshops in which thousands of artisans made utensils.
His wife, Agnimitra, was a good housewife and a true companion, who accompanied her husband in all his work. At that time Lord Mahavira, the proponent of Panchmahavra, was known in Buddhist literature as Nirganth Jnataputra.
Goshalak, who was a follower of Lord Mahavira in the past, had some knowledge of Ashtanga Nimit. It answered truths on topics like profit and loss, happiness and sorrow, life and death. Impressed by the knowledge of Mankhaliputra Goshalak, the proponent of determinism, thousands of people became his followers. Determination means that whatever happens, the survey is fixed. There is no place for enterprise or masculinity here. Sakdalputra was his follower.
Sakdale thought, my Dharmacharya Mankhaliputra Goshalak will come here tomorrow, I will warmly welcome that Jin Kevali. Thinking that Sakdalputra had reached Goshalak, he went to see him. Lord Mahavira was giving Dharmadeshna in Sahasravan. Sakdal was impressed to hear this and requested to come to his workshop. Sakdalputra - Lord Mahavira was impressed by the transcendental knowledge and personality. But the theoretical faith was in Goshalak. One day he kept the utensils outside in the heat to dry. The omniscient Lord asked him, how did you make these utensils?
Sakdal spoke, God! First collect the soil and soak it. Mix ash and dung in it. Then, after mixing everything, he poured the prepared wet clay on the wheel, from which these different types of utensils were made. Then again the Lord asked, Sakdalputra! These utensils of yours are made by effort, masculinity, enterprise or without masculinity ...
Sakdalputra says, O God! Made with effort, effortlessness and diligence. Because there is no significance of masculinity here, whatever happens is omnipotence.
What will you do if a man steals or breaks your dried utensils, breaks them, or rapes your wife Agnimitra? Lord Mahavira asked a touching question.
Sakdalputra says indignantly, O God! I will kill him a lot, I will not leave him alive.
Lord Mahavira said in a soft voice, Sakdalputra! Why so? You do not accept effort and manhood, you consider all values fixed, then what is the doer of the man who did this evil deed? As you can imagine, all these prices are already fixed. Why do you blame him? If you say that it is a sin of effort, then your principle of not believing in effort and manhood and believing all values to be fixed is false, untrue.
Sakdalputra was a brilliant and intelligent man. Only with the utterance of God did they understand the reality of the doctrine and with the faith of distance they fell at the feet of Lord Mahavira. Together with Agnimitra Bharya, he accepted twelve vows of Shravak from Mahavira Swami.
We are convinced of the unconditional compassion of the Tirthankars in the present occasion. Truthfully refuted the belief of Sakdalputra and made the truth manifest so that the devotee Sakdalputra got a place among the ten Mahashravaks of God. Nimit will be present from the material. It is not fair to accept determinism in real life. With the acceptance of determinism, a person becomes most inactive, negligence increases, the idea that 'what is going to happen will happen' does not work with faith. Therefore, by accepting solitude, according to the Dharmaprapti of Lord Mahavira, for the accomplishment of any work, one has to accept the five union (causes) nature, time, manhood, destiny and coincidence of karma, so that one will be inspired to do right manhood in life.
- Quality Barwalia
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