Poppy seeds help to sharpen the mind. Eating poppy seeds in the cold provides protein and calcium. Night poppy seeds can be soaked in water and taken with milk in the morning.
Cashews are high in calories, so controlling body temperature in the cold season requires more calories. As cashews contain calories, its consumption is beneficial.
Eating steeped almonds helps maintain energy in the body. It can be eaten with milk as well as halva.
Walnuts are helpful in lowering cholesterol. It contains fiber, vitamin A and protein to help keep the body healthy.
It is important to eat figs in winter. Consumption of figs has the potential to increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Chavvanprash includes a number of osadia. Eating of which gives vitality and strength to the body and also improves the digestive system.
Consumption of sweet gazak made from sesame and jaggery is beneficial in winter. Aryan and Phosphorus are contained in excess in the sphere. Sesame seeds contain calcium and fat. So that its intake gives more calories to the body in cold time and body temperature remains stable.
In addition to Aryan, dates contain minerals and vitamins. Therefore, 30 to 5 grams of dates should be consumed in winter season.
Drinking saffron, ginger, dates, figs and turmeric mixed in milk at night while sleeping protects against cold and cough.
Fenugreek Laddu
Fenugreek ladu is easily digested in winter. One ladu contains 200 to 40 calories. As well as relieving body pain in addition to the waist
- Meenakshi
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