Emerald-like human mind! : Understand a wonderful illustration.

- Landscape: Subhash Bhatt

- The one who does not accept more than merit, does not crave more than ability and does not ask more than merit, he is wise

The definition of a wise man in our civilization should be something that does not accept more than merit, does not crave more than ability and does not ask more than merit, he is wise. But the human mind is sometimes a butterfly and sometimes it becomes an emerald but overall it is fickle. It does not rest on its own. The two judgments in psychology are very well known. If a man does not get anything even after much struggle, then the grape is sour, and the second justice is that if he feels something useless after the struggle, he will say, "Lemon has been swallowed." To understand this situation let us understand a wonderful illustration.

Madari, who uses the monkey's jamburi in the game as this, specially deceives him and catches him alive. Madari makes a wooden box and fixes it. Madari fills the box with peanuts. When no one is around, the monkey rushes in and grabs a handful of peanuts and grabs a fist with great greed, greed and cunning. Unfortunately, the design of the box is such that the size of the hand has increased due to the filled horn. As a result, the monkey cannot escape with its hands outstretched. Yes, the lure of the horn and if he leaves the horn survives but greed does not allow him to leave the horn. Eventually, Madari catches him.

In the West, there is a saying in English, if you sow only seeds, you will be surrounded by monkeys! Normally man also gets entangled in the lust of peanuts in power or wealth, organization or relationship and then gets trapped. Sometimes this entanglement has become his ego and identity. He is suffering only for the sake of social prestige. He doesn't like the way that 'beautiful mode dekar plants are good'. So till the last breath, he preached that 'lemon is swallowed'. Every man should know how long to hold and when to let go. Releasing and letting go, catching and being caught is the essential understanding to keep the human mind healthy. The human mind is a tremendous factory of endless desires. If we are not vigilant then every wish is a box of peanuts. Life itself is a long journey which is considered by the mystic man as the stage from Hariichcha to Harikrupa. Of course, there is a third class, the 'Hare Ko Harinamwala', this class of people who are stuck and stuck in peanuts. In some life plays, the mind plays the role of three characters, the doctor, the patient and the patient. The wonderful poet Ramesh Parekh warns and warns us.

This is a burning town, you have to run out of town,

There is nothing to leave him here.

To avoid these loopholes weaving pantra,

It is possible to get rid of the strongest contagion.

This incident, this fainting, this terrible closet of thoughts,

All these greedy guards are about to break out.
