More than 3000 plants and more than 21000 species have been discovered in India. India is considered to be the center of plant diversity. India is one of the twelve countries with the highest diversity of agricultural plants. In India, it is considered to be the center of 2000 to 30,000 varieties of crops like rice, urad and sugarcane. India is the seventh largest contributor to agriculture in the world. In addition, India has a large number of wild and domestic animals. An area with an abundance of endemic species is called a diversity hotspot. Two such hotspots in India are the Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas. One third of the flowers identified so far are in India.
The Western Ghats of India is a belt of 1.5 lakh square kilometers from the southern end to the Gujarat border. This mountain range blocks southwesterly winds. That is why it rains a lot here every year. It is natural that as the rainfall increases, so does the diversity of vegetation. Varieties ranging from dense forest shrubs to grasslands are found in these regions.
Similarly, a large area of the slopes of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers is also very diverse. This region is also considered a hotspot with its diverse forests, bamboo forests and meadows or even open plains. What is the role of this rich diversity of flora and fauna on Earth?
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