Is the mood based on the situation?

The rack seeker has a question to ask his conscience calmly. Is the fun, merriment, pleasure or peace of my mind dependent on the external objects, person or situation of this world? If the answer is yes then we are still on the first step of spirituality. This world moment is fragile. It slides like fine sand. Nothing here is permanent. No matter how much happiness is found in this world, it is not permanent. Eczema is a bit like having fun while suffering. But eczema after eating is just as painful as any other ailment. The situation is not what we expected it to be. The expectation that any planning will complete our work is wrong. Hence the saying. Assuming that many things happen (only to the God above). So the sages say that one has to learn to be content with the will of God only by accepting the situation that arises. Japa, tapa, deva, darshan, tirthayatra, sadhana, all these actions are rituals. The result is a feeling of inner bliss. In this way the external situation cannot disturb our happiness. If the distraction seems to be moving, then the effort to cultivate so much understanding that it does not move is the only tool. One of the bhajans that Miran Bai has composed with the realization is O Ramji. Let's look at the person, the thing, the environment or any situation. Only if we learn to accept it as a prasad of God will we be able to stay in Harpal Moj.

- Nathalal Brahmakshatriya
