James Webb Space Telescope Six 'Should modern telescopes really be renamed?'

- Future Science-KR Chowdhury

The life of the Hubble Space Telescope is over. Through which the key to many mysteries of the human universe has been found. Images of the universe have been found that humans have never been able to see with the naked eye. However, scientists are milking the calf to the last drop. NASA, however, launched the 'Next Generation Space Telescope Project' as a synonym for the 13th Hubble Space Telescope. But due to many obstacles, the project fell into disrepair. Now the project is moving towards its destination. The new James Telescope (JWST) is a new space telescope, a technological marvel that could be synonymous with the Hubble Space Telescope. Which is controversially debated these days. Individuals associated with the world of science are calling for the renaming of the James Webb Space Telescope. NASA is adamant in its decision, and does not want to change the name of the modern space telescope. Scientist Lucian Vokovic, a member of NASA's advisory committee known as the Astrophysics Advisory Committee, has resigned in protest. The new space telescope is named after NASA's most successful but controversial chief executive officer, James Admin Webb. Now the question is, why did scientists want to rename the James Webb Space Telescope? To get an answer to this question one has to take a look at the American past.

Vortex created in the world of science due to sex behavior

James Edwin Webb Six

Due to political affiliations, during the reign of Harry Truman, between 19 and 18, he was appointed director of the Budget Bureau. He then served in the US Government as Under Secretary of State from 18 to 19. He has also been the Deputy Governor of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for some time. He then served as president and direct in a private company. The then American Vice President Lyndon Jones offered him the position of Chief Executive Officer of NASA, a world-renowned American space agency. Hesitant, James Webb finally accepted NASA's chief post. As soon as he became NASA's chief executive, American President John F. Kennedy gave him a very big job. To defeat the Soviet Union, the task of landing an American citizen on the moon was placed on the shoulders of James Webb. At the time, NASA had a staff of 5,000. As many as four lakh contracts of 20,000 small and large companies were in force. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. During NASA's Apollo 1 program, three astronauts were engulfed in a fire on the launchpad. For months James Webb had to answer controversies, criticisms and questions from congressional committees. He was blamed for the tragedy. He was in a circle close to American President Lyndon Johnson. Following the election of Richard Nixon as President of the United States, he announced his retirement from NASA.

'Lavender Scar' US government unethical action against six homosexuals

The main reason for the controversy is their hatred of people involved in same-sex relationships and their role in enforcing government policy. From NASA scientists to the general public servant's attitude towards sexual relations has a unique connection with the science world. This stigmatized chapter in American history is known as 'Lavender Scar'. What is 'Lavender Scar'? You will have this question.

In the 180's, homosexuals and homosexuals were hiding their identities. At the time, Americans considered homosexuals to be mentally deranged and mentally ill. Some homosexuals working in the US government in the 150's and 150's were removed by the government or forced to resign. Some homosexual men, with a communist ideology, were ousted from the government as pro-Soviet and communist. The famous Alfred Kinsey's 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Mail' was published in 19th century. Which became a bestseller book. Due to which people's attention was drawn more towards homosexual relations. Now homosexuals are raising their voices against injustice and oppression. They did not hesitate to come out in public. Yet Americans did not accept same-sex relationships. Hatred against a homosexual is known as 'homophobia'. The report was released by the Hehoy Committee on December 16, 1905. It concluded that "homosexuals were ineligible for jobs in the federal government and posed a security risk to public trust positions."

James Webb Space Telescope Six 'Should modern telescopes be renamed?

About 1,200 people wrote a letter to NASA to rename the James Webb Space Telescope. They include Lucian Vokovic, Chanda Prescode, Weinstein, Brian Nord and Sarah Tuttle. Sarah Tuttle is a homosexual. Many of the people who signed the letter are from the LGBTQIA + community. This community includes men and women with physical and mental characteristics who do not have direct sexual relations between men and women. It has been reported in the Physics World and other science journals that people in the "LGBTQIA +" community are engaged in scientific research with a kind of fear and stress. Lucian Vokoviz of the Adler Planetarium in Chicago has announced his resignation from the NASA Advisory Committee in protest of the direction NASA has taken in conducting the investigation.

The question is, should the James Webb Space Telescope really be renamed? The world of science believes that 'there are many researchers / scientists available whose names can be linked to NASA's telescope to pay homage. This argument also exists. Why does NASA associate the name of a government official with its telescope, let alone a scientist / researcher? This is not understood. However, if the name is to be changed solely on the basis of sexual relations, then the name of the 'Kennedy Space Station' has to be changed first, as action against homosexuals began during the reign of President John F. Kennedy. One thing to keep in mind here is that in the past, NASA renamed the space observatory 'Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer' to 'Neil Gehrls Swift Observatory' in 2012. Which was launched into space in 2006. There was no uproar after the name change. Even if William Shakespeare says' What's in a name? What difference does it make if you change the name of the rose to another? ' In the world of science, changing the name to another would make a big difference. The latest incident is living proof of that.

While homosexuals were banned from working in the federal government

On February 4, 190, McCarthy delivered his famous speech. In which he claimed to be working in the state department of 206 well-known communists. Some of them were homosexual. One week later, Deputy Under-Secretary of State John Purifoe announced before a Senate committee that the State Department had fired 21 gay employees as a security risk. Between 18 and 190, the federal government rejected more than 1,200 applicants for government jobs because of allegations of homosexuality and kept them out of government jobs. Lieutenant Roy Blick, chief of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police, testified that there were 4,000 homosexuals living in DC, including 2,500 federal government employees. The head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover became responsible for firing a number of gay men and women from government jobs.

Finally in 19, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Executive Order 1030, which set safety standards for federal employment and banned homosexuals from working in the federal government. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to James Webb. Homosexuality was a violation of individual freedom. He implemented a government policy against homosexuals at NASA. Some homosexuals lost their jobs because of Jane. Because of this, some scientists have insisted that the name of NASA's modern telescope not be associated with James Webb. They insist on renaming the Space Telescope. Until 2013, there were no questions about James Webb's character traits. The idea of ​​renaming the telescope was floated in one or two blogspots. As the launch date for JWST approached, opposition grew. JWST is scheduled to launch on December 15. The question then is when did the movement to rename the James Webb Space Telescope begin?
