Lakshmi Pujan: An opportunity to worship the Goddess of Wealth once a year with body-mind-wealth

According to Hindu mythology and scriptures, Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and at the same time it is said that Lakshmi is very fickle. It never lasts for one person. In this world which has been going on for centuries, every man has a desire that Lakshmi should last forever. For this, he does everything he can to please Lakshmidevi. Lakshmi is also worshiped on the night of Aso Sud Amas when Diwali is celebrated, as it is said that on the night of Diwali, Lakshmi travels all over the world for a special purpose and in any house, place or temple she worships When he sees sadhana happening, his grace rains down. After that, Lakshmi lives in that place for the whole year.

Worship of Lakshmi in Diwali festivals is very important because of this belief. Everyone who is rich or poor needs to worship Lakshmi. Lakshmiji's grace is raining down on her all year round whether she is rich or poor, everyone is ready to do whatever they can. In the house where Lakshmi has grace, there is a lot of happiness and prosperity in addition to money and there is peace and happiness all around. If Lakshmidevi gets annoyed for some reason, the money will be lost from the house but at the same time the happiness of the house will be snatched away and jealousy, quarrel, quarrel, resentment towards each other will take over the house and the man will be annoyed.

Lakshmi does not stay in one place. Good deeds produce Lakshmi. Grows with skill and ingenuity and can keep steady by restraining spending. In ancient scriptures, Lakshmi is shown as the wife of Vishnu. Many folktales are famous about how Lakshmi was born. Lakshmi is said to be the daughter of Prajapati Daksha and somewhere she is shown as the daughter of Bhrigu. Samudramanthan is very famous among the folk tales about the birth of Lakshmi. At the command of Lord Vishnu, the gods and demons churned the sea together. Lakshmi was born in this Samudramanthan along with many other things. Vishnu accepted Lakshmi as Ardhangini. In the third age, when Vishnu was born on earth in the form of Rama, Lakshmiji was with him in the form of Sita, and in the Dvaparayuga, on the occasion of Maharas, Lakshmi was reborn as Krishna's Vavangi.

Lakshmi is said to be fickle because no one other than Lord Vishnu could control Lakshmi. If you keep it buried in any safe basement, Lakshmi will not be maintained. It slips anyway when it has to flee or perish. Lakshmi is worshiped for the protection and growth of Lakshmi. The symbol of Lakshmi Puja, which has been around for ages, has changed from time to time. In ancient times Indra was worshiped with Lakshmi while today Ganesha is worshiped with Lakshmi. Ganesha is considered a symbol of good fortune and a hindrance, so he brings prosperity by removing all the obstacles that hinder him from getting wealth. Co-worship of Lakshmi and Ganesha brings spiritual prosperity along with material prosperity.

When the worship of Lakshmi started, Lakshmi was worshiped on the day of Sharad Poonam. After the rainy season, when trade and commerce started, Lakshmi was worshiped, but later on Diwali, it was worshiped, a practice that has continued to this day. However, Bengalis still worship Lakshmi on the day of Sharad Poonam.

Various paintings and idols are used to worship Lakshmi. Lakshmi is worshiped in many forms. There are many forms of worship such as Grihalakshmi in the form of wife, worship of Rajya Lakshmi in the form of king, worship of Dhanalakshmi in the form of Dhan Dhanya, worship of Pashu Lakshmi, worship of Srilakshmi, worship of Saubhagyalakshmi, worship of Kirti Lakshmi, and worship of Yash Lakshmi. It is said that Lakshmi loves clean places, cleanliness and beautiful and decorated places. He also loves the scent of flowers and incense sticks. That is why all these things are taken care of while worshiping Lakshmi. Now the influence of worship of Vaibhavalakshmi has also increased a lot.

Among the festivals of Diwali, Lakshmi Puja begins on the day of Dhanteras. On this day the worship of Lakshmi is started by lighting a lamp. Dhanalakshmi is worshiped by lighting 12 lamps on the day of Kali Chaudas and Lakshmi is also worshiped on the day of Diwali. Like the festival of Diwali, the occasion of Lakshmi Puja is also celebrated with much fanfare. In many villages and cities, on the occasion of Lakshmi Puja, women clean themselves by bathing etc. and make chutney flour sweets and salty snacks for the puja. Jewelry for Lakshmiji is also made from chana flour. These ornaments are fried in ghee or oil, wrapped in rope and worn by Lakshmiji. After the decoration of Lakshmi, Lakshmi Puja begins in the courtyard of the house. If the place where Lakshmi is worshiped is a raw place, it is covered with dung and clay. Kanku, rice, turmeric, chilli and lime are sprinkled in place. In Rajasthan, various mandvas are made on the day of Diwali. On the day of Diwali, clay idols of Lakshmi are said to be worshiped. Worship of clay idols is also known as terrestrial worship. The reason for earthly worship is that even a rich person or a poor person can make a clay idol of Lakshmi at home or buy it. This means that the same Lakshmi is worshiped in the house of everyone, rich or poor. Also, if there is a clay idol, it is easy to dismantle it. If the idol is made of metal or marble or anything else, it cannot be dismantled. It is considered appropriate to dissolve it by performing Lakshmi Puja on the day of Diwali. If the idol does not disintegrate, it must be kept at home or in a shop, and it must be worshiped regularly, once or twice a day. The slightest omission in this order will be inauspicious. Lakshmidevi will go to Risai and immediately leave the house or shop. Thus, there is no fear of such an ominous event due to the dissolution of clay idols after worship. Since man is only subject to error, no man can perform Lakshmi Puja on a regular basis and there is a good chance that he will make a slight mistake.

Many people worship Ganesha and Lakshmi simultaneously. In which Ganesha is considered a male god and Lakshmi is considered a female goddess and Ganesha is placed on the right and Lakshmi on the left. This method of idol installation is totally wrong. Since there is a mother-son relationship between Ganesha and Lakshmi, the idol of Ganesha should always be kept to the left of the idol of Lakshmi. Often due to lack of material in Lakshmi Puja, both the idols are adorned with the same clothes and garlands. This method is also flawed. It is not wrong to worship with low content, but it is wrong to worship with the wrong method. Do not place a lamp of bitter oil in front of the idol of the deity and always light the lamp of desi ghee. If there is a problem of money, a sweet oil lamp should be lit.

Red flowers should be used in Lakshmi Puja. Since Lakshmiji is very fond of lotus flower, keep lotus flower in worship. Milk or Ganga water should be used to bathe the idol. In Lakshmi Puja, incense, lamps, fruits, leaves, arecanuts, which are always used in worship, should be kept intact. Saffron prasad is very dear to Lakshmiji and bundi ladu is very dear to Ganeshji so it is better to keep both as prasad. If Havan is performed in Lakshmi Puja, then Havan must always be performed in a high blazing fire.

After Lakshmi Puja, one should apologize last. This prayer is done to apologize if there is any mistake in worship. In Lakshmi Puja, some special verses and mantras are used if Lakshmiji wants to be more pleasing or happy. But such verses and mantras must be used by seekers only. The rest of the common people should work only with simple Lakshmi Puja. In addition to the usual Lakshmi Puja, if a person works hard and diligently throughout the year and performs his duty with sincerity, then Lakshmi Devi will always be happy and will continue to shower her grace with both hands. It is equally important to do good deeds. Lakshmiji is always happy with good deeds and virtues. Therefore, O Lakshmi, wish! Take special care of all these things along with Lakshmi Puja!

- Nayana
