
- Window Seat-Udayan Thakkar

- My mind is challenged to wrap in someone's arms. I know how inappropriate it is to think like this when Nishith is sitting next to me. But what should I do? '

Hindi storyteller-novelist Mrs. Mannu Bhandari passed away at the age of ninety on November 15. He was one of the creators of Hindi 'Nai Kahani'. Let's enjoy his story 'Yahi Sach Hai'. Basu Chatterjee's film 'Rajnigandha' was based on this story.

The heroine of the story is Deepa, the story is told through her mouth. What does he see from his room in Kanpur town? The sunshine of the front yard shrunk and climbed the wall, and suddenly I realized the time when groups of children were seen carrying bags on their shoulders! After more than an hour, Deepa woke up when her lover Sanjay did not come. The curtain seemed to move slightly: it came! Never train the way, never the clock. Jawahar Bakshi is enjoying such a moment of waiting.

If I don't open the door, there will be someone

If I open the door, there will be panic

Niranjan Bhagat has said this while addressing his beloved who did not keep the promise of convergence.

Two afternoons

Say 'I will come' dear,

You didn't come

By the way!

For Sanjay, this happened everyday - an hour, an hour and a half late. Deepa was sitting pretending to read, Sanjay came there smiling, a bouquet of Rajnigandha in his hand. He turned the chair with the lamp towards him, sat on the handle and started rubbing his cheek. Bay went for a walk as usual. Deepa was worried about why go to Calcutta alone for the interview. Sanjay hoped that if Deepa's job was secured, he would be transferred and settled in Calcutta. He joked with Deepa. Your one-time close friend Nishith is from Calcutta. It will get you a job! Deepa fell in love. Nishith broke up without giving reasons, now she hated Nishith. Deepa Ashleesh Sanjay was released. In Deepa's words, 'I keep looking out from the balcony, Sanjay's size gets smaller and disappears at a bend.' (It seems that Sanjay is going out of Deepa's life.)

'This is not a flower but Sanjay has many eyes which are staring at me, touching me, caressing me. And I'm embarrassed by the idea of ​​constantly staring at it with so many eyes. '

(Rajnigandha flower is a symbol of adornment. American poet Sylvia Plath said about tulip flowers - she looks at me, fills her claws, I can hear her breathing.) Deepa remembers the past with Nishith. He himself was only eighteen. After a close relationship, Nishit suddenly stopped meeting. Deepa's life was shattered. He thinks of a one-time lover.

"It all sounds silly today, it makes me laugh for hours. Those tears and sighs were not for the lover, but for my emptiness and emptiness, which made life dull and burdensome. Why convince Sanjay that I hate Nishith? '

Deepa scolds Sanjay, 'If I didn't love you, would you let me kiss and hug you before marriage?' Deepa, who has gone to Calcutta for an interview, stays at home with her friend Iran. In the coffee shop, they get lost. (The occasion seems to have been artificially arranged for Nishith to be accidentally found in such a big city.) Deepa Manoman compares. If it was Sanjay, he would not have come before eleven. Despite her resolve to tease or ignore Nishith, Deepa falls into her presence. Nishith putting his principles aside, putting his identities to work. Gives Deepa a job. Deepa is determined to tell Nishith that only Sanjay has a place in her life. Both sit in taxis to celebrate getting a job. Nishith says, 'How beautiful you are in a blue sari!' Deepa begins to compare again, "Sanjay has never paid attention to my dress or decoration in a relationship of two and a half years." Deepa's words.

'I think this silky, fragrant palav is soaking her heart with juice, enchanting her with touch. I am overwhelmed by the unspeakable joy of victory ... My mind is challenged to wrap in someone's arms. I know how inappropriate it is to think like this when Nishith is sitting next to me. But what should I do? '

(If a man and a woman are sitting hugging in the back seat of a taxi, the price of sex is born, but when both are sitting a little far away, and the longing to touch becomes a pet, the interest of adornment is born. The story is, therefore, glorifies naturalness.) Deepa-Nishith is drinking cold coffee. Deepa thinks that Nishith will say something now, her lips are throbbing. The bitterness towards Nishith has melted away. Deepa listens to the beautiful evening when both of them are just staring at each other. Tanman Malki woke up even without being caught. Nishith would put his finger on Deepa's lips and say, 'Let these moments of intimacy go unsaid, Deepa!'

Look at Deepa's thirst for cold coffee, 'Why doesn't Nishith hold my hand? Why don't you put your hand on your shoulder? I don't feel bad at all. '(Comparison again: Sanjay used to kiss every visit) The day came to return to Kanpur. Deepa is arranged in a train compartment. He hopes that Nishith will come on the platform and say something. Just ten minutes before the train left, Nishith came knocking on the door. Deepa just stood outside waiting. Only formal talks took place. Deepa waits for Nishith to propose and I accept! But he remained silent. Only three minutes left. (Dramatic moment.) Nishith said, 'Time is up, you climb into the box.' Deepa stared helplessly, as if to say, 'You raise it. Nishith started walking along with the car. He put his hand on Deepa's arm. Deepa's roar burned. I wanted to shout at him. ' 'I understand Nishith, I understand everything!'

Deepa said to Manoman Sanjay, 'I was deluded for two and a half years, and I deluded you too. Today the web of deception is shattered. The love I had for you was not love, it was gratitude. When my life was deserted. Then with a loving touch you kept me alive. You were complementary. But I understand darling! The first love is the true love ... 'On reaching Kanpur, Deepa wrote a letter to Nishith and told him about Haiyan. Not for many days! Finally a short letter arrived, 'You'll be fine. Glad you got the job. Talk to you soon and keep up the good content. "

Sanjay, who had gone out of town for work, came to Deepa's house. Tanman was immediately aroused by the fragrance of Rajnigandha. Deepa Manoman speaks, 'This touch, this moment is the truth.'

Here the title of the story makes sense.


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