The bell of peace.

- What to say aloud, what to increase, to forget discrimination, play the bell of peace

How was last year

Unrest ... unrest ...!

This year this -

Ring the bell of peace

Outside the unrest

Whether inside

This bell of peace

Play as needed

Sleeping education

To stir

To the government in bed

To wake up from sleep

Play Play

This bell of peace

If religion itself

Wrong way!

Play loud

This bell of peace

Play Play

Get rid of Ajanpo

The bell rings but the bell always spreads the message of prayer and peace, the bells in the temple have the same purpose - prayer and peace.

There are many stories of bells in the world. The bells of Moscow and the bells of Peking are many famous bells. It is well known that the daughter jumped into the chemical while making the packing bell.

But the strangest bell is the UN bell. That bell is called the peace bell.

That bell is also a wonderful story. When there were 6 states in the UN, all of them were fighting among themselves, even though they were sitting together and discussing the subject.

The Japanese angel said: 'Ring the bell of peace!'

People asked what it meant.

The Japanese envoy said: 'We have peace bells in Buddhist temples there. The purpose of this is to ring the bell if the mind wants to get rid of all disputes and there will be absolute peace in your mind. Get rid of all the conflicts in your mind. '

All the states liked the plan. All the angels gave precious gold coins in their respective denominations. In this way about twenty coins of 5 states were collected. A huge bell was made by mixing other metals in that metal.

The bell in which all the states contribute is then hung in the main chamber of the United Nations. That bell is still in the United Nations today. And only after the bell rings does the operation begin.

Sometimes when there is a sharp disagreement in the states, it is said: 'Ring the bell.'

That is, make peace.

A ringing bell can also be a symbol of peace. Maybe the sound can only be suppressed by the sound!

- Harish Nayak
