The only work to be done in this world is to achieve inter-sadhana, to be free from transformation, to be eternally stable, to attain the vision of God from one's own soul, that is the achievement of life.
The rest of life, the place, the grasp of the object of respect is just useless things, to live by giving importance to it is ignorance, that is the state of sorrow, anxiety, anxiety, all this is going to stay here. What comes along has value in life itself, and that is the stability that comes out of change.
There is only eternal soul in our whole life, everything else is changeable, it has to be unchanged from it, its name is spiritual truth form devotion and inner sadhana, ringing bells is not an inter sadhana.
That is to say, in life which is ever-changing, there is fogat fampa, just as we can see the reflection of the moon in pure water, and also in the form of pure holy truth and eternal life, in the soul itself, God is seen, there is work to be done in this life.
If someone criticizes us, if someone praises us, if someone praises us, if someone hopes to get something, then we should stay aloof from it, so that our ego is not nourished by hypocrisy. It will get a successful instant.
There is no value in praising slander in the whole life as well as there is no point in living with hope or craving for any hope. To be, he must release the grip of lust and object, hope and expectation, and must fix the mind in absolute rest, and must free the mind from fear, delusion and doubt, etc. Remained the same
If the rhythm of true form of conduct is maintained in life along with contemplation in life, then one door after another opens with inter-sadhana, so that one can be free from change and become stable in eternity.
The essence of life will not come to hand without a sharp edge like the edge of a pit with spiritual truth in practice.
Where in Bhakti or any other inter-sadhana the kai is fluttering inside and someone is speaking outside or behaving or behaving, then the first step in the inter-sadhana is wrong,
Also, there is nothing in the hands of the one who recites Hari Hari Ram Ram, etc., or the one who worships the stone, or the one who makes the story, or the one who hears the stories, the one who makes the offerings, the hand does not remain empty, and when death knocks, it is understood that I lived in vain. But now whether lust, craving etc. are present in the mind.
So that the ultimate peace stays away and a new birth has to take place due to oneself, then there is no crossing of repentance, but it is too late. Extrinsic sadhana is not a sadhana at all, it is a thriving method of stabilizing fear, illusion and doubt, so that purity is kept away, change continues, so eternity is not possible, and Hari Om remains.
- Philosopher v. Patel
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