- Today is yesterday: Bhagirath Brahmbhatt
- Many villages in North Gujarat are still familiar with the word 'Mer Meraiya', the new generation of people may be unaware of it. On the day of Diwali, Liluda - a lamp is lit in which a lamp is lit between the sticks of Sami - can be seen even today.
The word 'Meraiya' is originally a form of the word 'Mari Aarti'. Oil proof in 'Mari Aarti' - such a demand is made in it.
Even for the worship of God or Param Tattva, the Aarti is lit. If there is more than one lamp in it, whether it is of Shakti or Shiva ..
The glory of Mer Maria in Diwali is unique. Our Diwali means Aso Vad Amas .. Dipotsav of Amas means Diwali, means folk festival. In the areas of North Gujarat and Saurashtra, the glory of Mer Meraiya on the day of Diwali is amazing. Cut two-and-a-half to three feet small sticks of Khijra tree, make four incisions at one end of it, insert two thin tooth-like cords in the middle, widen its mouth, then put a cloth on it and smear it with clay, then let it dry. In the evening, when it gets dark, after burning oil in it, go from house to house in the mahalla and say 'Mer meraiya oil proof', someone says 'paper demand oil proof', 'oil proof him thirteen sons' A member pours a spoonful of oil .. the lamp stays lit ... to light the lamp to go to all the houses of the mahalla in the darkness of night. The more boys in the house, the more 'crow demand' to make. To prove the oil in it .. the lamp is lit by the light .. the lamp is lit in a row .. how many such lamps are lined up in the whole village .. to plant a stick in the sand at the foot of that village. A row of burning candles can be seen ... lamps are lamps .. if one of them has the first son, then the stalk of the crow's demand is made of sugarcane .. even if it falls into the hands of one, like a prasad, the corner is shared. Even adults have become obsessed with the joy of children. Firecrackers explode there to express joy ... To appease very young children from the constellation, in some places it is used by making earthen merayas, the merayas are prepared by the potter .. He is also given seeds as a reward for his labor .. In some villages ghee is also used instead of oil. When filled, ghee lamps are made. At first, a wooden stick of Sijda or Khijra was cut at one end and a maraiya was arranged in it, then oil was filled in it and proof lamps were placed in it. Thus changes came and went. First the cottonseed was poured down, the lamp of the womb was woven, then the oil lamp was lit, then the lamp was used to see the cattle of the house or to carry the lamp in front of the stupid creatures. After seeing the animals, they would shine, sniff, sniff, then take the meat and go to the mahalla. In some villages, on the second day of the year, there is pride.
If Dhanteras has applied oil to the horns of oxen, cows and buffaloes, and if Dhanteras has also painted the horns of cattle with ramchi, then the glory of showing lamp to those cattle is the glory of Diwali. Doing so increases the cattle population. Cattle do not get sick .. stay healthy. The house is full of all these beliefs - beliefs - faith - even today people living in the suburbs - in the city come to the village to demand the crow and maintain the tradition; The oxen, calves, cows, buffaloes, and calves are all counted in that cattle. Nowadays, children who do not have animals ask for crows, but in the homes of people who have cattle, they take them to the mouths of cattle. This custom is now forgotten. Originally, instead of worshiping Indra, Lord Krishna told Yadavas to worship Govardhana mountain - then Yadavas started offering offerings to Govardhana, but by doing so, Indra became angry and when it rained a lot, Govardhana mountain was raised by Krishna's finger with his finger and made his umbrella. Etc. sheltered. All were well because of Govardhan. Indra also recognized Krishnalila, and surrendered to Krishna - that day was Diwali .. the rain stopped .. people lit up .. lit lamps. It can be said that the tradition of Diwani is our Mer Meraiya.
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