Why breathe life into clay idols?

- Mist became Moti-Kumarapala Desai

In this Dim Yuga, the loneliness of the vast earth was consuming Vidhata. This was the time before the birth of human beings and at that time Vidhata thought that there is everything in this world, yet something important is missing.

Taking the moonlight, the scent of roses, the coolness of the water, the warmth of the fire, the eloquence of the earth and the sweetness of spirituality, Vidhata made an idol out of clay and breathed life into it. As soon as the life was transmitted to the clay idol, the ronak of the earth changed and the situation on the earth underwent a huge change with unprecedented renaissance.

The angels were amazed to see this wonderful creation of Vidhata. He asked Vidhata, 'Did you do this? Why did you create this? '

Vidhata said, 'Hey, this is the best work of my life, human. From now on, life will run on the world and the cycle of time will continue to move. This clay man will make this world greener. '

Hearing this, an angel asked, 'A question arises in my mind that why did you create such a work out of such trivial and inert clay even though you have such precious gold and silver? Why did you breathe life into it? What a wonderful way to screw people over. '

Vidhata replied with a smile, 'This is the secret of life. In this clay body I have placed all the happiness, beauty and all the splendor of the world. This root is full of joy. If a human being gives importance to the body of clay, he will suffer the inertia of the body, but if he rises above it, he will attain immense spiritual bliss. '

'But the question in my mind is whether the bright and strong gold

Why did you create a human being out of crumbling or crumbling clay when you took it in your hand? '

Vidhata said, 'That is the glory! The human body is as fleeting as an earthen house, so every moment of its life will be precious. You see the vices of clay, but you do not see the virtues. '

The angel asked, 'What are those qualities of clay?'

Vidhata said, 'It is from this soil that the seeds germinate and the hard-working grains grow. Gold and silver never sprout buds, that's why I made the clay body the field of human work. '
