Sohamani Mithilangari from heaven also in which King Janak reigns. But the occasion happened that he gathered all the sages and sages and asked a question and if there was no answer from anyone, he kept all of them under house arrest. And even after six months of that, the issue is still unresolved.
Among the group of ascetics, word spread among the sages living in Tapovan - when Ashtavakra is very young - but the sage and the one who gives a scathing answer - he says to all, in the meeting of Hunjaum Janak - and to release all the sages - what does Janak understand in his mind?
First sent a message that I will come tomorrow morning to reply. Have all the congregations ready.
And in the morning the sage came - about eight, with a crooked body, leaning against the wood, but falling down - all laughed. So tell everyone the purposeful father, why did you laugh? Tell the truth! Otherwise the result will not be good. Seeing the brilliant language of the sage, Janak spoke - Maharaj! How can you say that the great sages could not answer? We laughed when we saw your crooked limb.
Ashtavakramuni says, Ela Murakh, what would be the interest of the people sitting in this meeting like you? Someone went to the river to drink water - so the river is related to crookedness or drinking water? Is it related to your answer or my body? Many people are handsome in appearance but no work is done. But the one who possesses Saraswati is a great achievement. A man without looks achieves. Ball now your question - that he has been meeting the sages for six months. Any question?
Janak says, 'Is this truth or that truth?'
Just the same question - 'Fool, if he had spoken in detail before, everyone would have answered - now come on, I will answer.'
'Just like that - like this.' Or 'just like that.'
Saying wah-wah, wah-wah, Janakaraja fell at the feet of the assembly.
The sabhajans and sages say, 'Maharaj, if we do not understand, please tell the details.'
Ashtavakramuni says, listen. King Janak had a dream - in which a foreign king came and took the kingdom and expelled Janak. Wandering in the city hungry and thirsty. But no one even asks the price of food. So much so that half a share of raw mash was found. After three or three days of hunger, Rajina turned red and set fire to a pot on the shore of the lake. Thought Hash, now hungry. It is not known where the two bulls came from. Khichdi all fell into the fire - and the mouth said, 'Hi, hi! What will i eat now What shall I do 'and the eye was opened.
A stick was shouted out there. Many khammas to Maharaja Janak. Hey, what is this, Raja Janak, who is changing for half a share of kheechadi? And the lord of this kingdom?
Now what is the truth in these two? That was the question - so the sage says that this is the same. And so on and so forth.
That is, the world is also a dream. Aye true and this too true.
There was applause at the meeting. All left. Ashtavak says, 'Hey Rajan, if you had spoken from the beginning, you would have got this answer. But he did not speak out of hesitation. '
Janak says, what should I do now? In reply he said: 'The world is a dream - living is wrong - eating is wrong - coming and going is all a dream. Wise man - if he has got this body, he should end his life by doing good deeds. Because everything that appears જે everything that appears છે is false. How do you believe it to be true? Your debts have all been met - as long as they last. Will then go away. Wealth will last as long as it lasts. Then it will go away. Life will last as long as man's life span. Then it will go away. That is why wise man should take the path of Moksha and connect life with this saint.
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