The same Mahabandhan that comes to mind!

- Known though unknown-Munindra

- Another way to destroy volatility is discretion and if a person's mind is enlightened, he will choose the right activity.

What is mental volatility? Our scriptures and saints have talked a lot about the fickleness of the mind. For the example of that fickle mind we have given the example of Arjuna's Vishadyoga depicted there in 'Srimad Bhagavad Gita'. Arjuna questions Lord Krishna,

Ayati: Shraddhayopeto Yogachchlitmanas :.

Krishna Gachchati, the speed of unattainable yoga sansiddhin. 27.

'O Kષ્ણa! What is the speed at which a man with faith (effortless yoga) and a man of mind (man) does not attain Yogasiddhi? '

There is a doubt in Arjun's mind. He wants to know what happens to a human being with imperfect equipment? Is it corrupted and destroyed by both Gyan (attainment of Bhagavad) and Karma (worldly sacrifices)? To dispel his doubts, Arjuna seeks the guidance of Lord Krishna, to which Krishna replies:

'Hey Parth! That man is not destroyed in this world as well as in the hereafter, because hey Vatsa, whoever does good deeds does not get any misfortune. '

This is how Lord Krishna comforts the sattvic people here, but usually a person who has a fickle mind is disturbed by his fickleness. For such fickleness of mind let us recall 'Shrimad Bhagavad Gita' again.

Chajvalam hi mana: Krishna pramadhi balvad drdham.

तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम् ।।24 ।।

'Because O Ka! The mind is strong, resilient, and the body is agitated by the senses, so I find it extremely difficult to control it, like the wind. '

Thus, seeing his relatives in front of the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Arjuna's mind becomes restless. In fact, even in the Kurukshetra of life, the minds of many individuals are surrounded by such fickleness. This is because the mind that wanders outside is a productive element that you cannot even imagine. From time to time new options, dilemmas, uncertainties are awakening in it.

From a normal person to a person with a high spiritual role, the volatility of one's mind creates a dilemma. Ordinary people think that online education in Kovid is good or offline education? Does anyone think to go to some person's wedding or not? From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true spirituality comes in. Does anyone think that it is better to worship the real God or to worship the formless God? So does anyone think that in order to realize God, one should adopt Gyan Yoga, Karma Yoga or then Adhyatmy Yoga?

As Yogi Ananddhanji has said about such fickleness of mind, it 'pushes the saliva man.' That is why everyone is harassing men. It is generally believed that the world of practice has a special experience of mind fluctuations, but the fact is that in the religious or spiritual world the fluctuations of mind seem to be much more life influencing. For example, if the mind of a human being is fickle, that is, wandering in worldly affairs and doing yoga, then he experiences fickleness of mind. Even if he goes to the temple and has a statue of God in front of him, his mind is full of wealth or other thoughts. Therefore, in the world of practice, perhaps the loss is not as much as the loss of mind due to fickleness of mind.

One way to get rid of this volatile state of mind is to look at the person who, during the running of his mind, asks 'Who am I?' And 'What do I have to achieve?' One should go inside thinking about it. Another way to destroy that volatility is through discretion, and if a person's mind is enlightened, he will choose the right activity. Vivek will guide her mind. Just as a cowboy leads a cow, so Vivek leads his life in the right direction. When his mind runs towards external attractions, that conscience stops him. His conscience tells him to stay away from it when he is trying to acquire wealth in the wrong way or when he is getting addicted.

This means that one of the ways to subdue the mind is to cultivate conscience. If conscience is cultivated in life, the mind will automatically be subdued or will choose the right path. Consciousness will calm the work and anger waking up in the mind and if the mind wants to condemn someone, the conscience will keep it away from it. In this way, if a person cultivates a good conscience in his life, that is, by cultivating a proper understanding of good and bad, then his mind gradually chooses the right path in life.

Thus the way to subdue the options of the mind is conscience, but the victory of the mind is a very different matter. We know that the first person's mind goes to things like work, anger, greed, love. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. So this means that the subjects, disorders and lusts that exist in the human mind, its creator is his mind and then the mind keeps him running in the world of the same lust.

There is a spiritual remedy for the mind not to become so lustful and that is that the instinct or subject from which the mind has become defiled, when the instinct or subject awakens, to ask him how I am going to be harmed by the nurture of this instinct or subject and then from that lustful subject Vali should be taken to the contemplation of God. As a motor vehicle passes on a road and takes a turn, the driver takes a very careful turn. Even the curves of the mind want you to have such caution. The more careful you are, the more successful you will be. Lord Krishna said to Uddhav,

'Uddhav! The only bond that comes to mind is the subjects. Uddhav! Save your mind You control the speech, the mind that is corrupted by meditating on the world, the mind improves if it meditates on God. '

When the seeker develops the ability to give his mind such a turn, his creation changes. Earlier he used to search for lusts and subjects, he used to hit the airwaves to make it happy, he used to run blindly to enjoy it more and more, now with the turning of the mind, the vision of Paramatma will change and his creation will change. The meteorites of the awakening kashayos in the mind will go away, as a result of which all the worldly life which was polluted will come out of the kalima life, so there is no need to kill the mind, there is no need to suppress it. It needs to change its vision and creation by giving it a twist. (In order)
