Vaginal infection.

- If you are not careful, you will be very annoyed

Vaginal infections are a common complaint. It can affect a child to an older woman. Vaginal infections are not taken seriously by most women, but sometimes minor illnesses can take a serious form so it is not a good idea to ignore them. Home remedies should not be used in this, ”says a well-known gynecologist. They are doing a special study of vaginal infections. Informing about vaginal infection, they say that this infection causes white or yellow or green color discharge from the vagina. Sometimes these liquids are extremely thick. In fact the white secretion comes out of the dead cell of the inner wall of the vagina. There are also some organisms in this fluid called Dodderlines bacilli. These are completely harmless and are especially present on the vaginal wall made of a substance called epithelium.

This wall contains a substance called glycogen. Glycogen lactic acid is formed by the synthesis of enzymes that are produced by the formation of dodderlines bacilli. Which maintains the balance of pH in the vagina. Which does not cause infection, but when the process of estrogen production slows down after menstruation or childbirth. The balance is disturbed and the risk of infection increases.

They say there are many types of vaginal infections. Fungal infections are the most dangerous in vaginal infections. This is caused by a fungus called Candida ablicans. The fungus is spread by small insects. These insects are also found in sheets, pillows or in swimming pools. Until the Ph.D. As long as the balance is maintained, such an infection does not appear.

In addition, women over the age of 40 are more likely to be infected due to diabetes. That is why one should pay enough attention to the cleaning of everything used during menstruation. Sometimes the risk of infection increases when the uterus comes out during childbirth. In addition, if the husband has any kind of infection, there is a danger for the vagina.

How can a vaginal infection be detected? To diagnose this, doctors say that frequent urination, itching while urinating, pain during sexual intercourse and redness of the vagina are common symptoms. It is swollen or itchy skin.

After these symptoms the doctor checks on his own. It checks the discharge by taking it on the slide. If the infection is not controlled despite repeated treatment, it is called 'cultural sensitivity'. And the uterus is examined with the help of binoculars. In diabetic patients, the infection is eradicated when the diabetes is first controlled.

Is there a specific age for this disease? In response to this question, the doctors say, 'No, this disease can affect a woman from a young child to an older person. It is important to know the cause of the infection. However the reason for each age is different. The infection is most common in people between the ages of 18 and 40. Because menstruation, sexual intercourse, childbirth, etc. occur during this period.

What is the solution to this? In response, the doctor says, "In fungal infections, it is advisable to apply fungicidal cream in the vagina. This treatment lasts ten to fifteen days. In addition, if the infection is caused by a physical contact with a man, both are advised to take medication. The vagina should be kept clean. The vagina should be kept clean with Savlon mixed water. No soap or cream should be used without doctor's advice.

People are reluctant to go to the doctor because of vaginal infections. And start his own home remedies, but he shouldn't do that. This is because even a simple infection can sometimes get bigger. Physical contact should not be established at all during treatment. Because it does not kill the fungus and the roots of the disease freeze. "
