Bulk consumer demand resumes in onion-potato market: However, export demand slowed down

- India's image as a major supplier in the world market has been tarnished by the government's ever-changing export policy.

In the onion-potato market in the country, the equations have been changing rapidly recently. Earlier, the bulk consumers' purchases in the onion-potato market declined due to government control over hotels, restaurants and public functions following the Corona infestation and lockdown, but now such bulk consumers are seen returning to the market as the reopening process begins instead of the lockdown. And increased domestic activity. Onion, Potato, Tomato Vs. Crops are known as horticulture crops. In the field of horticulture, the crop year is considered to be from July to June. Various crops in such horticulture sector include vegetables, spices, spices, spices, plantation crops, potatoes, onions, tomatoes etc. According to sources in the Union Ministry of Agriculture, the area under cultivation of various horticulture crops in the country has increased from around 3 to 4 lakh hectares in the crop year 2021-2, which was around 3 to 4 lakh hectares last year. There have been signs of a modest decline in gross domestic product. In the crop year of 2060-21, such total production increased by 2.50% to 3 to 4 lakh tonnes, which is estimated to be around 3 to 4 lakh tonnes in 2021-2. The onion crop in the country is estimated to have increased from 3 lakh tonnes to around 311 lakh tonnes during this period. Potato production during this period is estimated to have decreased from 3 lakh tonnes to around 3 lakh tonnes. Tomato production in the country is expected to fall from 211 to 215 lakh tonnes in this period to about 205 to 206 lakh tonnes.

Meanwhile, the total production of various fruits in the country has increased from 105 lakh tonnes to around 105 lakh tonnes. During this period, the total production of various vegetables in the country is estimated to have decreased from 2006 million tonnes to around 1.5 million tonnes. Despite the increase in production of turmeric, tamarind and garlic, the total production of over all spices is estimated to fall by about 2.50 per cent to 104 lakh tonnes. Onion exports from Maharashtra have recently declined by 3 to 4 per cent. From April to November (2020-21), such exports were around 3 lakh 40 to 5 thousand tons. In this period of 2021-2, it has decreased to about 3 lakh 40 to 5 thousand tons. Were high. Onion exports from Maharashtra also declined during the period due to high freight rates, market experts said. The quality of onion in Maharashtra also deteriorated during the period due to non-seasonal rains affecting the crop and its effect was also seen in the context of declining exports. The availability of containers required for export was also low. Overseas inquiries and demand in the onion market remained sluggish even after November, market sources said. Exporters were also saying that the effect of the changing government policy on onion exports was also visible on exports. India's image as a supplier of onions to the world market has been tarnished by the government's frequent change in minimum export prices and the imposition of export restrictions. The five per cent rebate on export incentives has been reduced to two per cent, which has also had an impact on exports. India exports onions to about 6 to 7 different countries globally. However, in April-November 2016, when the country had to import about 15,000 to 12,000 tonnes of onions, the government decided to import them due to shortage of onions. And at that time in addition to onions from Egypt and Turkey, onions from Afghanistan, Iran, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates came to India!
