Bhakti is the practice of inner truth and purity

Bhakti means the practice of inner truth and inner purity. There can be no place for conditions and demands in any kind of sadhana, the supreme essence is unwavering unwavering faith in the Supreme Being, spiritual faith, total dedication and surrender called Bhakti...

Thus, complete spiritual true form of surrender means nothing of self, but everything belongs to God. I am completely divine. To become empty of one's own existence with the pure and holy sense of distance based on the spiritual truth that I have no separate existence is called inter sadhana and bhakti.

In any Sadhana, when you become completely empty of spiritual truth, then you are filled, God is constantly showering love and compassion, but we keep our ego full of anger, jealousy, etc. This is why the pure love and compassion of God does not fill our cup and we are left empty.

That is why emptying is important in any inter sadhana. The name of this is Atmik Satya Swarup Tyaga. It is only in such spiritual truth-based renunciation that the success of Sadhana is attained. It is supreme joy and supreme peace. The ultimate joy in life is not happiness, happiness is the religion of the mind, while joy is the religion of the soul, the soul is God, so joy is the attainment of God. And that is the fulfillment of life. Contentment is also the religion of the soul. While contentment is the religion of the mind, devotion is contentment.

Whether it is bhakti or knowledge or karma yoga or yoga there is importance in everything to become empty and become the spiritual true form. Thus spiritual truth is available in life only when the seeker dissolves his own ego.

Thus supreme contentment is self-knowledge and knowledge is the divine form. Thus, as the ego dissolves and becomes empty, you are filled and satisfied with the love of God, that is called Bhakti.

Thus, just remembering God's name, bhajan, kirtan, katha, satsang, listening, worshiping stones, aarti, tila tapka, changing clothes, keeping garlands in hand, etc. does not make one a devotee, know this from a distance.

Bhakti is the act of worshiping God for the head, that is, the bread is placed only on the head. That is, the mind has to end intelligence and lust, all of that has to be centered on God and become empty. There is no place for any kind of condition or demand or any kind of secret or public expectation, hope or desire.


- Philosopher V Patel
