Charging life, energy worship

Human life has been considered as the best, the best in creation. According to the principles of Gita, human beings get the fruits of karma. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence of all religions. Doing action, performing duty, awareness of responsibilities or knowledge dharma kriyakaram. Satsangs of great men, inspiring exchange of ideas to follow the excellent rituals, bringing the life stories into our lives etc.

Man cannot be consistent in following only his thoughts. Through which festivals, events have been organized specially by Nakshatras, months, time. Which is well-being, benefic, adaptive for the entire creation. Other ecosystems depend on human life. Because animals, birds are managed by understanding other creatures. In which the support of nature is indirectly available. Human life has been spared on good creation. Nature has created. It shows the importance of power. No fuel is required. Through which good ecosystem management or currency is running. Only humans are beneficial. Through which the chariot of the good world moves. Otherwise, destruction, difficulties are created. Kaj Shakti Upasana is needed to get wealth of nature or rich qualities.

According to the calendar of the year, there are four Navratris. In which two Navratris have special importance. Navratri of Aso month and Navratri of Chaitra month. Both these months are considered sacred and human life should be prosperous. It is nature's invitation to worship Shakti in the month of Navratri for that purpose. According to mankind or according to the faith that he has faith in Gods and Goddesses. In which grace is showered on him. Man gets tired of monotonous mechanical life style when there is no one to listen to him, nature has designed only man to do devotional worship. Which is well-being or welfare. Human gathering sometimes gives happiness, sometimes it gives sorrow. To believe by blaspheming is a grave dig. Humans have the power to defeat by speech and behavior. When in the true sense what should be the goal of human life, Bhakti expresses the feeling of happiness only through worship, adoration. During this Navratri, Navan Mantra, Gayatri Mantra or the opportunity to worship our Ishta God-Devi, the system of providing fuel for twelve months, charging the life means devotion, worship. During Navratri for nine days virtuous life sattvic food, fasting, arhanman devotional environment, less use of worldly material equipments in the true sense of Shakti Upasana to make our body balance, adapt and suffer a little is called Tapa which is considered as true Shakti Upasan.

Shakti Upasana is one of the attributes of charging or fueling life.

- Paresh J. Priesthood
