"Dashmi Dash Avatar, Jya Vijaya Dashami, Rama Ram Ramadya, Ravana Rodyo Ma"

- Lord Shri Ramji also worshiped Vijayadevi. After worshiping Vijayadevi, Shri Ramji performed Shastra Puja. After performing Shastra Puja the divine Sampada went out to conquer the demonic Sampada.

Lord Ramji

To win over Ravana

The party that passed by

That is Vijaya Dasami.

Hence nine forms of Shakti are worshiped there during Navratri. The nine forms of Shakti from 'Shailaputri' to 'Siddhidatri' and the nine days corresponding to these various forms. But one form of Mataji is 'Vijayadevi.' This goddess is worshiped on the day of Vijaya Dashami, so if Dussehra has an ancient name, it is Vijaya Dashami. Every person should worship Ma Jagdamba for the purpose of Vijya. When Goddess Vijaya is remembered while worshiping Mataji, then Mata Vijaya gives victory to that person in his right work. According to 'Valmiki Ramayana' and 'Shrimad Devi Bhagwat' Lord Shri Ramji also worshiped Vijayadevi. After worshiping Vijayadevi, Shri Ramji performed Shastra Puja. After performing Shastra Puja the divine Sampada went out to conquer the demonic Sampada. The festival when Lord Ramji went out to win over Ravana is Vijaya Dasami. So according to Shrimad Devi Bhagwat, Lord Shri Ramji performed Navratri rituals and Mataji blessed him. Mataji said, "No matter how powerful Ravana may be, victory will be yours." On Sud Ashtami of Aso month, Lord Ramji had darshan of Mataji, completed nine days of rituals, performed Havan on Dussehra day, performed Shastra Puja and Lord Ramji started his journey towards Lanka.

In our ancient times, the Kshatriya Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi kings used to perform Navratri rituals. They were worshipers of Shakti and after performing the ritual, those kings used to perform Shastra Puja on the tenth day for the success of their assigned tasks. Thus, weapons are also a form of Jagadamba. Those weapons were considered as a form of power because, in those times, the battles were fierce, so weapon worship was inevitable. In that way also the glory of this festival is connected.

If we take the spiritual meaning of this festival, Lord Shri Ramji killed Ravana, but in reality what is infatuation is Dashanan. Tulsidasji Maharaj has described it in his treatise Vinaya Patrika that "Moh Dasmauli Tad Bhraat Ego Prakari Chittakama Vishramhari." This means, Ravana is the symbol of infatuation, Kumbhakarna is the symbol of ego and Indrajit is the symbol of desires. So our Moharupi Dashanan Vritti is to be destroyed on this Vijaya Dashami day. "Tad bharat ego" Kumbhakarna means ego. When this ego is destroyed and Indrajit means Kamana, then only when Kamana is destroyed, it will be said that Vijaya Dasami has become meaningful.

According to the Mahabharata, when the Pandavas completed their 1-year secret, the Pandavas worshiped weapons on the day of Vijaya Dasami, along with the weapons, they also worshiped the Sami tree. After Guptavas the Pandavas appeared. Jagdamba blessed the Pandavas that this war is a crusade, not just a war of Kauravas and Pandavas but a war of victory of truth over falsehood. Your success will be sure. Such a blessing was given to the Pandavas by Mataji on the day of Vijaya Dashami. Another message of Vijaya Dashami is to understand that, what is the meaning of victory!? We use a word experiment there that 'impossible', but if we remove the word 'A' from this impossibility, everything is 'possible'. Therefore, adopting positive thoughts in life and creating positive energy is the same Vijaya Dashami. So let's destroy the evil tendencies in our mind and create divine qualities and do positive things.

- Prajnachakshu Dr. Krunal Joshi
