Decline of vegetables and fruits...

- There are about 5,000 varieties of the most popular tomato and 7,500 varieties of apple.

- Botanically, pumpkin is a fruit, not a vegetable.

- Watermelon contains 92 percent, carrot 87 percent and cauliflower 90 percent.

- Apples in America have a one-year shelf life.

- Grapes burst with a bang if put in a microwave oven.

- Apple is a plant of the rose family.

- Bananas are slightly radioactive.

- Square watermelons are cultivated in Japan.

- Cucumber is not a vegetable, it is a fruit.

- The study of fruits is called 'pomology'.

- The largest fruit in the world, the Coco-de-Mer weighs 42 kg and its seed weighs 17 kg.

- Vegetables and fruits naturally stay fresh for several days after being picked from the tree.

- A tomato has more genes than a human.

- Bananas and humans have a lot in common in their genes.

- Stickers affixed to fruits abroad are made of edible material and can be eaten.
