For I will not leave those who have remained here without regard for life

- Eye oyster, Antar moti-principal swan

- Born there to father Dipchandji and mother Ichaben named Chhagan, a boy named Atmaramji accepted the sculpture of a Punjabi Jain Acharya and became a great Jaincharya named 'Vallabh'. Then it is said that this person born in the lamp of desire became the Vallabh of the soul. Leaving the lamp of desire he approached the soul. Became the love of the soul.

August 15, 1947. 'Bharat Azad' was declared and the slaughter of millions began. The death knell rang.

Dash! Dash! Dash!

A bomb explosion! Not one but three!

Jain Temple and Jain Upashraya nearby! The target was a Jain temple. But all survived.

At that time Jainacharya Vallabhsurishwarji Maharaj was sitting in that Jain Upashraya of Gujranwala (now-Pakistan) along with some of his disciples-shrams and about 250 disciples.

What to do and what not to do - his deliberations were going on day and night. Due to the partition of India-Pakistan, the atmosphere was hot everywhere. Terrible communal riots broke out. Violence everywhere. Trains of trains were being sent to India full of corpses of Hindus. Carnage everywhere.

Hindus were migrating from Pakistan. But the Muslims were cutting and burning the fleeing Hindus. It was becoming difficult to survive. Rape of sisters and abuse of brothers. The pre-independence brotherhood was now feeding the brother.

(Recently, a large part of Pakistan is devastated due to floods. It is a bad situation. Then Hindus are also welcoming Muslims in their temples. They are making food and accommodation arrangements.) If humanity is forgotten in times of trouble, it is a demon in human form. Why is a man who raises a human being called a human being at a time of crisis? That is a monster. "Majhab nahi sikhata, apas mein vair rakhana".

On the other hand, Acharyashri was thinking that how to leave this Samadhibhoomi of Gurudev Shri Atmaramji Maharaj? How can this temple be kept here?

However, he had already told the audience that at least the children and women should be sent to India and that was arranged. Acharyashri himself, some of the devotees and disciples stayed there in Gujranwala. It was monsoon time. So we will go after monsoon. That was the idea and it was not imagined that this situation would become so dire.

But two days before Paryushan, the bomb exploded. It was better to leave now. But Acharyashri said let the worship of Paryushan Mahaparva be done.

On Ashtami after Paryushan Parva, three trucks arrived from Amritsar in Punjab. Requested to approach the principal. Then they say that I will not come there leaving even one of my disciples. First my union then me. How can I leave those who have stayed here without caring for their lives for me!

Finally, on the auspicious day of Bhadrava Sudi Ekadashi itself (the holy day of the death anniversary of Jagadguru Acharyashri Heervijaysurishwarji Maharaj who preached to Emperor Akbar), fifteen trucks arrived from Amritsar. Thirty-two soldiers joined their captain to protect the Confederacy. Despite being surrounded by 2,000 gangster elements, the Sikh jawans brought Acharyashri safely to India.

Acharyashri, who is interested in Sangh-Community-Government, has rendered a lot of service to the Jinshasan even in the midst of such a dangerous environment. Village disputes were removed. So he laid great emphasis on education. He was the first Jainacharya to establish 'Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya'.

Born there to father Deepchandji and mother Ichaben named Chhagan, the boy became a great Jain acharya named 'Vallabh' after accepting the sculpture of Punjabi Jain Acharya named Atmaramji. Then it is said that this person born in the lamp of desire became the Vallabh of the soul. Leaving the lamp of desire he approached the soul. Became the love of the soul.

of influence

He became the mentor of many kings-maharajas and contemporary national leaders. Pujyashri also became a mentor in his life. Acharyashri said to Motilal Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru's father) who could not be reformed even like Gandhiji Patel - 'If you set out to give freedom to India, first of all take the rule of not smoking cigarettes at this very moment.

The talk of adopting Swadeshi was so popular that in some of their processions, everyone came wearing khadi.
