Who Said A Nutritious Diet Is An Expensive Choice?

Today it is up to the housewife to decide what to cook. It is the job of the housewife to give the gift of good health to the youngest member of the family, and on the other hand, in this era of inflation, balancing income and expenditure is no easy task. Hence a housewife who serves nutritious food in front of the family members at a low cost can be called a competent housewife and this is not as difficult as one might think. The whole family can lead a healthy life if some simple things are kept in mind.

Generally people believe that nutritious food is not affordable and expensive food is not nutritious. New discoveries in food science have made it possible to find cheap and easily available substances that contain all the elements required for physical development.

Malnutrition stunts physical development, but this diet also causes stunting in mental development. Therefore, it is necessary to have a proper combination of the right food selection and the art of cooking it.

It is also true that pulses are readily and cheaply available and that pulses have double the amount of protein than wheat. Apart from protein, iron and vitamin B-2 are also in sufficient quantity. Hence, pulses must be included in the daily diet. Beans can be made nutritious without much effort and an easy way to do this is by sprouting beans. Sprouted beans can be eaten raw and if not completely raw, eating them with lime-salt will kill two birds with one stone. Our taste buds are also satisfied and the body gets nutritious food. Soybeans also contain the most protein among legumes and are the easiest source of protein for vegetarians. Soybeans are followed by chickpeas. In addition to all these qualities, sprouted pulses eliminate the deficiency of vitamin B-2 and vitamin-C. One of the sprouted beans should be recommended for breakfast every morning.

Rice is the staple food of the people of some regions. Excessive washing of rice removes vitamin-B with water. So wash the rice as little as possible. Add enough water until the rice absorbs the water. Parboiling the rice destroys the nutritional value of the rice.

Nowadays, tinfood is in vogue. Packets of ready-made snacks are more likely to be found in the hands of children on their way to school. These substances are less nutritious than homemade ones and are also expensive.

Apart from pulses, green vegetables and fruits also play an important role in physical development and for this you do not need to buy expensive vegetables or fruits. Vegetables like fenugreek, rice, spinach are also cheap. Besides, calcium, iron, vitamin-C and protein are also high in these vegetables. Assume that the greener the leaf of a green vegetable, the higher its nutritional content. Apart from this, it is also useful in digestion due to its high fiber content. Seasonal fruits are relatively cheap and beneficial. Even the cheapest bananas are not inferior in nutrition. There is not a single quality that is not present in bananas. It is no exaggeration to call banana a complete food.

Fruits like amla, amrukh are rich in Vitamin-C. It is not at all wrong that groundnut is considered as the nut of the poor people. All the nutritional properties of almonds are packed in the pods. If a handful of pods are eaten daily in winter, the body can easily get the protein it needs.

Steel cookware has become more fashionable these days, but steel cookware does not provide the iron content that comes from iron pans.

Cooking food in an open vessel for too long destroys its nutrients. We have many children die of malnutrition there every year. Poverty and ignorance are responsible for this. Adequate understanding of nutritious diet must be imparted to the mother.
