An effective disease treatment method based on Prana energy

- Unseen Vishwa-Devesh Mehta

- Blood and Prana electricity in the body keeps all activities going and life sustaining. The human body is a huge and well-functioning powerhouse

It is said in Kathopanishad, 'Yadidan kinchajagatsarvam prana eveti nissrutam.' Everything that exists in this entire world is produced by the vibrations of Prana energy. Prana is the supreme energy of the material and conscious world. The Atharvaveda salutes Prana energy as the ruler of all and God. It is said in one of his mantras - 'Pranaya namo yasya sarvamidan vashe. Yo Bhoot Sarvasyesvaro Yasmint Sarva Pratishthitam..' Salutations to that Prana, whose subjugation is the whole world. Who is spontaneous, God of all, and in whom all is dignified. In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad the sage asks - 'Katam eko ​​dev iti - who is that one and only god?' In answer to that it is said - 'Pran iti sa brahma ta divya vaksate. He is the only god Prana. That alone is called Brahman.'

'Prana' is a Sanskrit word. It has 'pr' prefix and 'un' is metal. It means life force or consciousness power. An animal that assumes life. It is for this reason that the bearer of life is called an animal. Prana and Jeevan are used in the same sense. Prana is the attribute of the soul which is manifested by the power of the divine. Chandogya Upanishad states - 'Prano va jyeshtascha shrestashcha - being the supreme power of the gross conscious world, Prana is the greatest i.e. the greatest and the best.'

Prana Tattva is the subtle consciousness with which the animal can perform all the actions necessary for life. His body and mind are well managed. Stimulation and regulation of many activities of an animal's body system is done through a special type of electricity. It is called Prana Vidyut and it originates from bio-energy. It originates from the brain and is covered by nerve fibers in and out of all organs. This Prana Vidyut has two roles in the body. The motor has a battery dynamo. If the metaphor of petrol is given to blood to run the body, bio-electricity acts like a battery. Blood and Prana electricity in the body keeps all activities going and life sustaining. The human body is a huge and well-functioning powerhouse. From the neurons of the brain to every cell of the body, this bio-electricity that transforms energy is covered.

Professor of Biological Sciences at Northwestern University of America and Trustee and Research Scientists of Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts. Frank Brown, who has done extensive research on the body's biological rhythms, states that our bioelectricity is used to carry out physical and mental functions with enough electricity to run a large mill. The bioelectricity of a small child's body alone is enough to run a train engine.

Divine healer Olga Worrall, associate director of the New Life Clinic, Mount Washington Methodist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, a member of the American Holistic Health Association, was able to heal many patients with her prana-based psychic power, her touch. Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Robert Miller tested the energy flow emanating from Olga Worrell's hand in a specially constructed cloud chamber. Arrangements were made in that chamber to see and photograph high-energy nuclear particles. During the experiment Mrs. Olga Worrell placed her palm outside the cloud chamber without touching it and meditated and emitted prana energy, a wave picture was formed parallel to her palm in the cloud chamber. When he turned his palm 90 degrees, the waves also turned in that direction.

Psychic healing divine healers often imbue water with their prana energy. By chanting the mantras in a meditative state, keeping the fingers of the palm in water makes it electrically charged. Dr. Wilmington, Delaware. Edward Brame tested the water touched by the fingers of such a physician and found that prana electricity definitely breaks up the molecular structure of water and makes it subtle. Evidence that Prana energy has passed through water is also evidenced by the changed 'surface tension'. During the experiment, it was observed that whenever this pressure is low, the antimicrobial penetration capacity of the water increases. Dr. Miller also conducted a similar experiment using a Fisher model tensiometer. American psychologist Dr. Experiments conducted by Elmer Green and Alice Green also showed that when divine healers administered psychic healing and hand touch treatments, there were remarkable changes in patients' heart and respiratory rates, electrical brain waves, body temperature, and immune cells. After that treatment, 80% of patients had a significant reduction in disease and many became completely disease free.

Hungarian psychic healer Oskar Estebny, Britain's Harry Edwards, Russia's Juni Davitashvili, Brazil's Jose Arrigo, America's Ingo Swann, M. H. Tester, Rolling Thunder, Henry Modell, Tony Agpaoa of the Philippines, etc., have gained worldwide fame in this field and cured thousands of diseases. It is believed that even eminent, renowned, great persons are included, whose spiritual healing is due to the mental energy which is the Prana Shakti or Bio-energy of Divine Consciousness. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, a mystical, spiritual man from the Philippines, is considered the founder and purveyor of healing and spiritual yoga. He spread energy healing around the world. He has written 25 books which have been translated into more than 30 languages. Pranic healing affects the gross body, subtle body, mind and consciousness all bringing about complete health.
